The Black Sun
Tag: [TBS] Web: Official website Fans: 25 Created: 2011-10-24

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The Black Sun Clan is a decade old. First founded by MATRIX, The Black Sun Clan has been gaming in the arena since the beginning. Created October 12, 1997, The Black Sun Clan has managed to reach out and pull in many talented and unique individuals. It lived for six long years before finally calling it quits.

Although failed attempts were made to recreate the group or jump-start a new clan by its older members, after all the battle scars The Black Sun had received, it was finally disbanding. This however, did not reside within my realm of possibilities, “The Black Sun Clan experience” was far too unique and member centralized to simply wither and die. Beginning in 2004, I raised The Black Sun Clan back from the dead with help of good friends, amazingly talented players, in addition to MATRIX himself.

Today, The Black Sun Clan is stronger than ever. We are a very serious clan when it comes to showing up and getting the job done. Although this form of mentality dictates the pacing of most clans within competitive gaming, The Black Sun Clan applies different approaches towards everyday interactivity amongst its members. With that being said, one should note, joining The Black Sun Clan will often result in new long-term relationships with its members, stationed across the globe, interacting daily.

The Black Sun Clan does not have to hold its members to the same sociological normality commonly found in the clans of today. Because of this, we are able to foster a strong community bond and grow our organization in a more organic manner, basing strong decisions off group feedback and analytical prowess. The result is The Black Sun Community is able to acquire and maintain strong analogues bonds with its constituents. Often, members of -(TBS)- find themselves unable to leave, not because of the immensely strong competitive edge we offer (sometimes we do, other times we do not), but because the sociological norms now customary to their liking are unattainable anywhere else.

The Black Sun Clan is demanding on our players as far as team cooperation is considered. Often times, the difference between a good team, and an abysmal one, are the team’s ability (or lack thereof) to communicate and direct. The Black Sun is gaming group devoted to friendship and we incorporate that trust and comradely into our play style. As a group, we depend on everyone to devote their part to the match, and know each clanmate's strengths and weaknesses. Failure to understand individual member’s traits can prove to be catastrophic to our ability to achieve victory.

Within a competitive match, we assign a position for each member to fulfill and trust that they will not let us down, it is this trust that is the true foundation of what The Black Sun Clan is. Through the teamwork we've developed, we have formed a very talented team, a team that doesn't even need words to work.

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