Rara Avises
Platoon Presentation
ra·ra a·vis (râr vs)
n. pl. ra·ra a·vis·es or ra·rae a·ves (râr vz)
A rare or unique person or thing.
[Latin rra avis : rra, feminine of rrus, rare + avis, bird.]
Ranked BF3 Server= http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/servers/show/f1b946e3-f1cf-4979-850e-8b22e4a34b6d/RAV-Chicken-Ranch/
n. pl. ra·ra a·vis·es or ra·rae a·ves (râr vz)
A rare or unique person or thing.
[Latin rra avis : rra, feminine of rrus, rare + avis, bird.]
Ranked BF3 Server= http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/servers/show/f1b946e3-f1cf-4979-850e-8b22e4a34b6d/RAV-Chicken-Ranch/
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