Old Warriors Society
Tag: [oWs] Web: Official website Fans: 28 Created: 2011-10-25

Platoon Presentation

Considering joining oWs? Please introduce yourself to our team in our Recruiting forum: http://www.oldwarriors.org/phpBB3/viewforum.php?f=9

Join us on TeamSpeak!
Port: 9997
Password: laser

The Old Warriors Society is a 21-and-older group of friends that realize that our families and jobs take precedence over our online enjoyment of playing first person shooters and the like since April of 2003. We are serious about good team play, fairness, sportsmanship and playing on a smacktard free server. We pride ourselves as a group who play a variety of titles, but primarily enjoy FPS's as our main diversion from the daily grind. We generally keep with the current releases, but that never stops us from going back and firing up any of the previous titles. Members of oWs are active on our server(s), in our forums, on TeamSpeak and sometimes in league competition.

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