Elite Marine Patriots
Tag: [EMP] Web: Official website Fans: 7 Created: 2011-10-25

Platoon Presentation

Elite Marine Patriots is a multigaming clan and community started on August 3rd, 2005 . We are always looking for new members and want you to feel at home with a fun team.
We are not an overly strict clan like several out there. We are laid back and in the end, everyone is in it for the fun of the game. Being competitive is important to us for matches/scrims, however enjoying the game with your fellow team mates is what we stand for.

So, whether your looking for a little competition or just want a good friendly group to play with, you are more than welcome to do so. All we ask is to treat everyone with respect and have fun.

If you're interested, please feel free to message MDK or BeefCrinkle to get you started.

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