Team Revolt
Platoon Presentation
Team Revolt was formed 10/10/2010. Made up of ex members from a variety of teams, games and mates. We are a dedicated PC team. We are a small team organization to keep a good vibe and strong communication within the team.
All decisions made within Team Revolt are put to a vote before going ahead and because we are a small team it will allow all members to have a say and put forward their idea's to push the team forward. The minimum age is 16, this is to ensure maturity across all aspects of our team and facilities. Average age range is between 20 - 30.
We will be supporting most FPS titles and strategy games. And if our members wish to compete we will enter a team
Team Revolt is recruiting. If You are interested in a small reliable team with professional team support then start a application today. We are looking for talent, great personality's and active gamers aged 16+ to fill our ranks, as we will be competing in the upcoming ladders. We don't want gamers who suffer from the e-peen epidemic. We are also a social gaming team who enjoy competition but don't let it control our day to day activity.
Join us in TEAMSPEAK 3:
16 slot Server Name: AU Team Revolt Squad Rush *Cybergamer Rules*
Sever ip:
64 slot Server Name: Revolt (Bigpond unmetered) ::!rank:: (GameArena)
Sever ip:
All decisions made within Team Revolt are put to a vote before going ahead and because we are a small team it will allow all members to have a say and put forward their idea's to push the team forward. The minimum age is 16, this is to ensure maturity across all aspects of our team and facilities. Average age range is between 20 - 30.
We will be supporting most FPS titles and strategy games. And if our members wish to compete we will enter a team
Team Revolt is recruiting. If You are interested in a small reliable team with professional team support then start a application today. We are looking for talent, great personality's and active gamers aged 16+ to fill our ranks, as we will be competing in the upcoming ladders. We don't want gamers who suffer from the e-peen epidemic. We are also a social gaming team who enjoy competition but don't let it control our day to day activity.
Join us in TEAMSPEAK 3:
16 slot Server Name: AU Team Revolt Squad Rush *Cybergamer Rules*
Sever ip:
64 slot Server Name: Revolt (Bigpond unmetered) ::!rank:: (GameArena)
Sever ip:
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