Double Rambo
Platoon Presentation
==================================[[[[[[DOUBLE RAMBO]]]]]]]======================
DoubleRambo.com <---Check It Out!
DR History
My name is Arthur Clancy Trautman and I am the sole grandson of legendary military strategist Col. Samuel Trautman. I am also the founder and public relations director of Double Rambo. For visitors to doublerambo.com that may not recognize my lineage, my grandfather was the commanding officer of John Rambo, recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor. My grandfather was responsible for creating the individual that was documented in the 1982 independent documentary, “Rambo: First Blood.”
(Little known fact: the original title for the documentary was “We Drew First: America’s Disregard for Vietnam Veterans and the Phenomenal Likelihood it will Backfire on the Country in Dramatic and Often Cinematically Violent Ways, the Story of Colonel Samuel F. Trautman.”)
In 1993, I discovered the game Wolfenstein 3D. Unfortunately, I was never able to master the game. I played for hours, days, and even weeks trying to find the hidden pushwall in level E2M8. I simply couldn’t do it. I was not a dominator at the time. I was not meant to be a soldier; I was meant to train.
On April 25, 1994, I discovered a worn, dusty book in the attic of my grandfather’s old house, while cleaning. On the inside cover of the tome was an inscription: “God didn’t make Rambo, I made him.” The book was a detailing of the training methods used by my grandfather to turn John Rambo into a killing machine. For 16 years I have studied this book. For 16 years I have slowly begun to recruit and train gaming soldiers: new, online Rambos. A second generation of Rambos has grasped hold of online video games and these men are two times more than you can handle. They are Double Rambo.
I welcome you, visitor, and offer only a final quote from my grandfather. Only he can truly describe what it is that WE have created.
“You don't seem to want to accept the fact you're dealing with an expert in guerrilla warfare, with a man who's the best, with guns, with knives, with his bare hands. A man who's been trained to ignore pain, ignore weather, to live off the land, to eat things that would make a billy goat puke. In Vietnam his job was to dispose of enemy personnel. To kill! Period! Win by attrition. Well Rambo was the best.”
Arthur Clancy Trautman, Jr.
frequently asked questions, as related to dominating face
Q: i am awesome. why would I ever dream of "applying" to something?
A: it's a trick application. don't be stupid.
Q: how good are you?
A: we're awesome.
Q: do I ever get to play with Arthur Trautman?
A: we, the Servants of Rambo, have only been graced by the founder's presence in battle on two occasions. once, we were winning 198 - 3 in a Domination game and the founder joined our team. the final score was 201 - 2. the founder took away one of the enemy team's points.
Q: should i play with the Servants of Rambo, even if i don't join Double Rambo?
A: yes. they will make you better. or worse, depending on the team.
Q: is this real?
A: very.
Console: XBOX360.
Type of play: Conquest / Rush (All Maps)
Age: 21+
BF3: Is the main game that we play.
Win %: We win at a 5+ W/L ratio. You can not handle 2 Rambos!
Want To Apply?
Only the best of the best can dominate alongside Double Rambo. feel free to fill out an application, but less than .000001% of those who enter are qualified to stand shoulder to shoulder with us. good luck, wuss.
Apply at DoubleRambo.com Your rejection letter will come via your email inbox.
DoubleRambo.com <---Check It Out!
DR History
My name is Arthur Clancy Trautman and I am the sole grandson of legendary military strategist Col. Samuel Trautman. I am also the founder and public relations director of Double Rambo. For visitors to doublerambo.com that may not recognize my lineage, my grandfather was the commanding officer of John Rambo, recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor. My grandfather was responsible for creating the individual that was documented in the 1982 independent documentary, “Rambo: First Blood.”
(Little known fact: the original title for the documentary was “We Drew First: America’s Disregard for Vietnam Veterans and the Phenomenal Likelihood it will Backfire on the Country in Dramatic and Often Cinematically Violent Ways, the Story of Colonel Samuel F. Trautman.”)
In 1993, I discovered the game Wolfenstein 3D. Unfortunately, I was never able to master the game. I played for hours, days, and even weeks trying to find the hidden pushwall in level E2M8. I simply couldn’t do it. I was not a dominator at the time. I was not meant to be a soldier; I was meant to train.
On April 25, 1994, I discovered a worn, dusty book in the attic of my grandfather’s old house, while cleaning. On the inside cover of the tome was an inscription: “God didn’t make Rambo, I made him.” The book was a detailing of the training methods used by my grandfather to turn John Rambo into a killing machine. For 16 years I have studied this book. For 16 years I have slowly begun to recruit and train gaming soldiers: new, online Rambos. A second generation of Rambos has grasped hold of online video games and these men are two times more than you can handle. They are Double Rambo.
I welcome you, visitor, and offer only a final quote from my grandfather. Only he can truly describe what it is that WE have created.
“You don't seem to want to accept the fact you're dealing with an expert in guerrilla warfare, with a man who's the best, with guns, with knives, with his bare hands. A man who's been trained to ignore pain, ignore weather, to live off the land, to eat things that would make a billy goat puke. In Vietnam his job was to dispose of enemy personnel. To kill! Period! Win by attrition. Well Rambo was the best.”
Arthur Clancy Trautman, Jr.
frequently asked questions, as related to dominating face
Q: i am awesome. why would I ever dream of "applying" to something?
A: it's a trick application. don't be stupid.
Q: how good are you?
A: we're awesome.
Q: do I ever get to play with Arthur Trautman?
A: we, the Servants of Rambo, have only been graced by the founder's presence in battle on two occasions. once, we were winning 198 - 3 in a Domination game and the founder joined our team. the final score was 201 - 2. the founder took away one of the enemy team's points.
Q: should i play with the Servants of Rambo, even if i don't join Double Rambo?
A: yes. they will make you better. or worse, depending on the team.
Q: is this real?
A: very.
Console: XBOX360.
Type of play: Conquest / Rush (All Maps)
Age: 21+
BF3: Is the main game that we play.
Win %: We win at a 5+ W/L ratio. You can not handle 2 Rambos!
Want To Apply?
Only the best of the best can dominate alongside Double Rambo. feel free to fill out an application, but less than .000001% of those who enter are qualified to stand shoulder to shoulder with us. good luck, wuss.
Apply at DoubleRambo.com Your rejection letter will come via your email inbox.
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