Low Altitude Warfare
Platoon Presentation
Teamspeak IP: samarium.typefrag.com:7740
LAW stands for Low Altitude Warfare - we are just a bunch of guys who play for the sake of "love for the game". After a hard days work, it's great to come hang with the guys for a little game time. We are a small team of (give or take)18 peeps.
We don't really have a "leader", people are voted in based on how they click with the LAW members.
If you wanna come hang in our Teamspeak with us, feel free! all info is on the website www.LowAltitudeWarfare.com
LAW stands for Low Altitude Warfare - we are just a bunch of guys who play for the sake of "love for the game". After a hard days work, it's great to come hang with the guys for a little game time. We are a small team of (give or take)18 peeps.
We don't really have a "leader", people are voted in based on how they click with the LAW members.
If you wanna come hang in our Teamspeak with us, feel free! all info is on the website www.LowAltitudeWarfare.com
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