SAD_Special Ops Group
Platoon Presentation
The Special Activities Division (SAD) is a division of the United States Central Intelligence Agency's (CIA) National Clandestine Service (NCS) responsible for covert operations known as "special activities", which include covert political action and paramilitary special operations. Within SAD there are two separate groups, one for paramilitary operations and another for covert political action. The Political Action Group within SAD is responsible for covert activities related to political influence, psychological and economic warfare. The rapid development of technology has added cyber warfare to their mission. A large covert operation usually has components that involve many, or all, of these categories, as well as paramilitary operations.
Special Operations Group (SOG) is the element within SAD responsible for paramilitary operations. These operations include the collection of intelligence in hostile countries and regions, and all high threat military or intelligence operations with which the U.S. government does not wish to be overtly associated. As such, members of the unit (called Paramilitary Operations Officers and Specialized Skills Officers) normally do not carry any objects or clothing (e.g., military uniforms) that would associate them with the United States government. If they are compromised during a mission, the government of the United States may deny all knowledge.
The SAD/SOG is generally considered the most secretive special operations force in the United States. The group selects operatives from Delta Force, DEVGRU, and other special operations forces from within the U.S. military.
SAD/SOG Paramilitary Operations Officers are a majority of the recipients of the Distinguished Intelligence Cross and the Intelligence Star, the two highest medals for valor in the CIA. They also make up the majority of those honored on the Memorial Wall at CIA headquarters.
Special Operations Group (SOG) is the element within SAD responsible for paramilitary operations. These operations include the collection of intelligence in hostile countries and regions, and all high threat military or intelligence operations with which the U.S. government does not wish to be overtly associated. As such, members of the unit (called Paramilitary Operations Officers and Specialized Skills Officers) normally do not carry any objects or clothing (e.g., military uniforms) that would associate them with the United States government. If they are compromised during a mission, the government of the United States may deny all knowledge.
Platoon Disclaimers:
47-101: This platoon does not have any direct affiliation, association, or connection to, nor is in any way, shape or form the "REAL" SAD SOG of the USA. The Platoon is named and presented as a fictional right to pretend or play "make believe" .
47-201: The original Clan tag was CIA, it was later moved to 47 or may be considered the 47th, a nonexistent division of SAD composed of (hopefully) hundreds of paramilitary "Battlefield 3" gamers. NO Military experience required to Join.
47-301: "SAD" officially wears 47, ONLY Founders and Leaders are required to wear the 47 clan tag. All other members may be affiliated with other clans and may have an alternative clan as their primary. While SAD would appreciate your membership to be it's primary "47", it is not required.
47-401: Invites to the Platoon are automatically added as members. However all applications to the platoon go through a careful review process by the founders and leaders. Certain applications require references through affiliated friends to gain better clarity on the gamers character, skills & simply recommendations. "SAD" is an equal opportunity invitee and acceptor of all applications and invitations.
47-501: We have the right to accept and not accept any application. We have the right to disavow (KICK) any member from the platoon for generally dishonorable conduct and or failure to improve below standard minimum stats within a reasonable time frame.
47-601: Server Rules and Regulations. Administrators have the responsibility and the right to kick or ban a player for inappropriate conduct, "glitching or lag". Administrators have the responsibility to allocate 47 team members on the same side at all times. Exceptions are at the beginning of a server start up when there are only a few of us. Administrators have the responsibility to make certain the qty of players is always set to 24 players. In the event the server is not, a complete wipe of the server will be performed until the issue is resolved.
47-602: Administrators have the responsibility to be a grown up and not kick or move or ban a player from owning you. In a few words, be a man. Abusive administrative powers will get you put on suspension from these rights, after a review of the case or cases in question & or temporarily banned from the server. Administrators who have repeatedly broken rules may loose all rights to the server from up to one month or a year. Dishonorable conduct as an administrator may also get you banned and or discharged from the platoon.
47-603: Team killing is forbidden. Exception: Unless we are totally bored and the game is not active. In game team kills must be made aware of immediately, apologized for and remedied & or revived if possible. Remembering that friendly fire occurs, it is important not to loose your cool, forgive and forget.
Intentional team killers are to be dealt with severely. All 47 members and clan friends are to do this most appropriately by, team killing the team killer. Each player is to kill them up to 3 - 4 times & no more. Most appropriately done by either the kill revive kill revive method or the long and slow method.
History of The "Honorable" 47:
The number 47 is a tribute to a Chicago based band called "Sleeping Under 47". Two of our founders / leaders are in the band to this day. (more to come)
Special Operations Group (SOG) is the element within SAD responsible for paramilitary operations. These operations include the collection of intelligence in hostile countries and regions, and all high threat military or intelligence operations with which the U.S. government does not wish to be overtly associated. As such, members of the unit (called Paramilitary Operations Officers and Specialized Skills Officers) normally do not carry any objects or clothing (e.g., military uniforms) that would associate them with the United States government. If they are compromised during a mission, the government of the United States may deny all knowledge.
The SAD/SOG is generally considered the most secretive special operations force in the United States. The group selects operatives from Delta Force, DEVGRU, and other special operations forces from within the U.S. military.
SAD/SOG Paramilitary Operations Officers are a majority of the recipients of the Distinguished Intelligence Cross and the Intelligence Star, the two highest medals for valor in the CIA. They also make up the majority of those honored on the Memorial Wall at CIA headquarters.
Special Operations Group (SOG) is the element within SAD responsible for paramilitary operations. These operations include the collection of intelligence in hostile countries and regions, and all high threat military or intelligence operations with which the U.S. government does not wish to be overtly associated. As such, members of the unit (called Paramilitary Operations Officers and Specialized Skills Officers) normally do not carry any objects or clothing (e.g., military uniforms) that would associate them with the United States government. If they are compromised during a mission, the government of the United States may deny all knowledge.
Platoon Disclaimers:
47-101: This platoon does not have any direct affiliation, association, or connection to, nor is in any way, shape or form the "REAL" SAD SOG of the USA. The Platoon is named and presented as a fictional right to pretend or play "make believe" .
47-201: The original Clan tag was CIA, it was later moved to 47 or may be considered the 47th, a nonexistent division of SAD composed of (hopefully) hundreds of paramilitary "Battlefield 3" gamers. NO Military experience required to Join.
47-301: "SAD" officially wears 47, ONLY Founders and Leaders are required to wear the 47 clan tag. All other members may be affiliated with other clans and may have an alternative clan as their primary. While SAD would appreciate your membership to be it's primary "47", it is not required.
47-401: Invites to the Platoon are automatically added as members. However all applications to the platoon go through a careful review process by the founders and leaders. Certain applications require references through affiliated friends to gain better clarity on the gamers character, skills & simply recommendations. "SAD" is an equal opportunity invitee and acceptor of all applications and invitations.
47-501: We have the right to accept and not accept any application. We have the right to disavow (KICK) any member from the platoon for generally dishonorable conduct and or failure to improve below standard minimum stats within a reasonable time frame.
47-601: Server Rules and Regulations. Administrators have the responsibility and the right to kick or ban a player for inappropriate conduct, "glitching or lag". Administrators have the responsibility to allocate 47 team members on the same side at all times. Exceptions are at the beginning of a server start up when there are only a few of us. Administrators have the responsibility to make certain the qty of players is always set to 24 players. In the event the server is not, a complete wipe of the server will be performed until the issue is resolved.
47-602: Administrators have the responsibility to be a grown up and not kick or move or ban a player from owning you. In a few words, be a man. Abusive administrative powers will get you put on suspension from these rights, after a review of the case or cases in question & or temporarily banned from the server. Administrators who have repeatedly broken rules may loose all rights to the server from up to one month or a year. Dishonorable conduct as an administrator may also get you banned and or discharged from the platoon.
47-603: Team killing is forbidden. Exception: Unless we are totally bored and the game is not active. In game team kills must be made aware of immediately, apologized for and remedied & or revived if possible. Remembering that friendly fire occurs, it is important not to loose your cool, forgive and forget.
Intentional team killers are to be dealt with severely. All 47 members and clan friends are to do this most appropriately by, team killing the team killer. Each player is to kill them up to 3 - 4 times & no more. Most appropriately done by either the kill revive kill revive method or the long and slow method.
History of The "Honorable" 47:
The number 47 is a tribute to a Chicago based band called "Sleeping Under 47". Two of our founders / leaders are in the band to this day. (more to come)
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