Kilo One
Platoon Presentation
##Excuse the formatting, I'm waiting for EA to fix battlelog.. View the website for a rewrite of this description.
Kilo Timezone = UT1+10, ie Eastern Australia.
The hopes of K1 is to develop serious, pro-level squads available on request for scrims or platoon matches in Australia. We will train together and against one another in private and public servers in order to hone our skills in Battlefield 3 to a level where we will be in high demand. (All said and done, it would be nice if this could turn out, lol.)
Each squad will be the responsibility of their squad leader, and any invites or kicks will be the decision of that squad leader. In-house training may be offered or required to join squads, at the discretion of that squad's leader.
You can request to have your own K1 squad, and I'll list it here, with you as its leader. I do, however, reserve the right to ask you to take your squad elsewhere for any excuse I deem reasonable.
K1 Alpha:
1. TheTopMostDog.SqLdr
Kilo One uses TehRawt mumble for VOIP. Come chat with us?
Server: mumble2.leetspeak.com.au
Port: 60081
Kilo Timezone = UT1+10, ie Eastern Australia.
The hopes of K1 is to develop serious, pro-level squads available on request for scrims or platoon matches in Australia. We will train together and against one another in private and public servers in order to hone our skills in Battlefield 3 to a level where we will be in high demand. (All said and done, it would be nice if this could turn out, lol.)
Each squad will be the responsibility of their squad leader, and any invites or kicks will be the decision of that squad leader. In-house training may be offered or required to join squads, at the discretion of that squad's leader.
You can request to have your own K1 squad, and I'll list it here, with you as its leader. I do, however, reserve the right to ask you to take your squad elsewhere for any excuse I deem reasonable.
K1 Alpha:
1. TheTopMostDog.SqLdr
Kilo One uses TehRawt mumble for VOIP. Come chat with us?
Server: mumble2.leetspeak.com.au
Port: 60081
Platoon feed
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