Tag: [BIE] Web: Official website Fans: 81 Created: 2011-10-28

Platoon Presentation

Post your Boards username.

If anyone was left out, i've(or you) either forgot to post your name or this is my subtle way of saying you are a noob and are out (post your name if you haven't).

Boards - Varik PSN - Dreadaxe
Boards - F1ngers PSN - Narnin
Boards - WarZoneBrother PSN - cartman91
Boards - dorgasm PSN - dorgz
Boards - MrEko PSN - KKCat
Boards - NotorietyH PSN - NotorietyH
Boards - mixednuts PSN - SPARKYD24
Boards - EGriff PSN - EoghanG84
Boards - WolfForager PSN - WolfForager
Boards - BArra PSN - Griefa
Boards - positron PSN - greenstig
Boards - twinsen PSN - twinsen_x
Boards - Dobhrionn PSN- Daryl_B6893
Boards - premdelap11 PSN- premdelap11
Boards - nkay1985 PSN - nkay1985
Boards - tok9 PSN - SPUD_1231
Boards - Chavways PSN- Chavways
Boards - bigfootsdiick PSN- saucyboi
Boards - SirIrish PSN- SirIrish
Boards - Kensutz PSN - Kensutz
Boards - jimmy9999 PSN - jimmy1979
Boards - harpy PSN- mcowhey
Boards - paddy_eire PSN - bohstillidie
Boards - comeraghblue PSN - ComeraghBlue
Boards - James_Forde PSN - Axlsnake
boards - johnners2981 PSN - johnners2981
Boards - noiniho PSN - Animalmother_1
Boards - Gileadi PSN - Gileadi
Boards - Slksht PSN - slksht
Boards - johnny_adidas PSN - johnny_adidas
Boards - Full.Duck PSN - FullDuckk
Boards - rab!dmonkey PSN - rab1dmonkey
Boards - Gazzamc PSN - Gazzamc911
Boards - perfect choice PSN - stephen-s
Boards - Zomg_Okay PSN - Zomg_Okay
Boards - CookieMonsta2010 PSN - CookieMonsta2k10
Boards - ST3NG4H PSN - stengah25,
Boards - dwayned PSN - dwayned
Boards - Tommy_NDX PSN - Remi223
Boards - mayotobo- PSN - thunder-titz
Boards - rcdk1 PSN - rcdk1
Boards - Cobraeire PSN - cobraeire 73
Boards - Full.Duck PSN - FullDuckk
Boards - AIR-AUSSIE PSN - jebuslives
Boards - serialthrillerim PSN - serialthrillerim
Boards - KaG PSN - KaG_25
Boards - Hypermuse PSN - hypermuse
Boards - idleater PSN - idleater
Boards - BrianZeluz PSN - ZELUZ
Boards - Saruwatari PSN - C_L_O_U_D_M_A_N
Boards - Thefirestarter PSN - Wozzer10
Boards - HadesChampion PSN - HadesChampion
Boards - Marko93 PSN - marko93101
Boards - Nick_oliveri PSN - Malongorph
Boards - MarkR PSN - MarkRIrl
Boards - aindriu80 PSN - aindriu80
Boards - calebmcd PSN - IREWolfman
Boards - Mad_Dave PSN- fiddlesticks82

Platoon feed