Platoon Presentation
Accept no imitators - we are the original Battlefield Cobra clan since the beginnings of the franchise.
We have represented the Cobra name on both the PC and Console platforms.
"Quit your bitchin and get it done."
"Gimmie them dogtags."
"hey you............................die"
"Woading opurashun met row."
"U ran right in front. Your fault - not mine"
These are the battlecries of the modern age of Cobra - yet they were not always the words of this famed battalion.
Times change as they say. Evolve or die. Here in this present and in these foreseeable and unforeseeable futures...
Cobra still remains.
Established by Destro777 during the PC's Quake series - Cobra has been an online force to be reckoned with since its inception. It has waged campaigns in the Team Fortress, Counter Strike, and Halo series, but Cobra's main focus throughout of the years has been the legendary Battlefield franchise.
Cobra has always consisted of a wide range of individuals of different gender, race, culture, and creed - such a force naturally contains a vast collection of playstyles. From skilled marksmen, to self proclaimed "highway to the danger zone" pilots, and repair tool serial killers. From assassin snipers (from the shadows), to consistant 1-20 K/D warriors, meat shield bullet sponges, even to genocidal team killing maniacs...
Despite their differences, the elite warriors which collectively form Cobra have always united under a single cause:
stockpiling those W's, son.
While many old veterans have long since entered their battlefield slumbers, new faces constantly fill the Cobra ranks bringing with them new skillsets, new outlooks, and vast potential for a new era of team killing shenanigans.
If the Cobra name stands for any one single thing - it would be teamwork...that and often referencing Punchinello's K/D ratio in the post game lobby. Battlefield 3 has arrived, and Cobra operatives both new and old have once again entered the fray. This conflict's story is still being written, and Cobra intends to see out its duration. .
The soldiers may change, the platforms shift, and the Cobra entity constantly evolves - yet it remains just as strong today as ever. Still anchored by its orginal founder, there is seemingly no end in sight of Cobra's dominance on the battlefields.
We have represented the Cobra name on both the PC and Console platforms.
"Quit your bitchin and get it done."
"Gimmie them dogtags."
"hey you............................die"
"Woading opurashun met row."
"U ran right in front. Your fault - not mine"
These are the battlecries of the modern age of Cobra - yet they were not always the words of this famed battalion.
Times change as they say. Evolve or die. Here in this present and in these foreseeable and unforeseeable futures...
Cobra still remains.
Established by Destro777 during the PC's Quake series - Cobra has been an online force to be reckoned with since its inception. It has waged campaigns in the Team Fortress, Counter Strike, and Halo series, but Cobra's main focus throughout of the years has been the legendary Battlefield franchise.
Cobra has always consisted of a wide range of individuals of different gender, race, culture, and creed - such a force naturally contains a vast collection of playstyles. From skilled marksmen, to self proclaimed "highway to the danger zone" pilots, and repair tool serial killers. From assassin snipers (from the shadows), to consistant 1-20 K/D warriors, meat shield bullet sponges, even to genocidal team killing maniacs...
Despite their differences, the elite warriors which collectively form Cobra have always united under a single cause:
stockpiling those W's, son.
While many old veterans have long since entered their battlefield slumbers, new faces constantly fill the Cobra ranks bringing with them new skillsets, new outlooks, and vast potential for a new era of team killing shenanigans.
If the Cobra name stands for any one single thing - it would be teamwork...that and often referencing Punchinello's K/D ratio in the post game lobby. Battlefield 3 has arrived, and Cobra operatives both new and old have once again entered the fray. This conflict's story is still being written, and Cobra intends to see out its duration. .
The soldiers may change, the platforms shift, and the Cobra entity constantly evolves - yet it remains just as strong today as ever. Still anchored by its orginal founder, there is seemingly no end in sight of Cobra's dominance on the battlefields.
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