Platoon Presentation
Career Description
Are you willing to do whatever it takes to save a person's life? To parachute, scuba dive, rock climb or even snowmobile into hostile territory to get to a wounded Airman who needs your help? Then you may be ready to be a Pararescue specialist. You'll be trained in emergency medical tactics, as well as in combat and survival skills so you can go anywhere necessary. You'll train extensively and be on alert 24 hours a day, because when the call comes, it will be up to you to answer it.
Career Tasks
Use survival techniques to help provide for the survival of others
Support Air Force and special operations combat search and rescue personnel
Treat medical situations in the field
Relevant Interests & Skills
Health and Medicine
Weaponry and Materiel
Special Operations
Emergency Management and Response
After eight-and-a-half weeks of Basic Military Training, every Airman goes to technical training to learn their career. Here's the basic information about Pararescue (Males Only) technical training:
School location: Lackland AFB [TX]
Length of course: varies
College degree earned: Pararescue
College credits earned: 50
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