Tag: [FAP] Fans: 3 Created: 2011-11-01

Platoon Presentation

We are named after our mutual love of 20mm Frangible Armour Piercing ammunition, and the Argentinian heavy barrel adaptation of the FN-FAL heavy battle rifle, the Fusil Automático Pesado. Any other meanings relating to the acronym FAP is purely coincidental. Puuuurely. Conincidental.

We FAP hard, and we FAP fierce. Says Janes Defence Weekly, no less:

"FAP ammunition is of the kinetic energy type with an inert payload that is designed to fragment and release its energy after it has penetrated the target. It thereby creates a devastating in-depth and lateral secondary effect on the target."

That, people, is how we FAP.

In the huddle, Marines! Hooah and FAP on three. One, two -

"HOOAH! *fap*"

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