Platoon Presentation
Seguito del plotone ITALIA.
19th Platoon \ 19th_Demon \ www.19thplatoon.clannow.com
tHe SpEcTeRs \ ITA_Gate \ http://www.thespecters.altervista.org/index.html
CFF ClanForFun \ StAlK3R88x \ www.clanforfun.it
=CdO= \ LampadinaIT \ www.cdoitalia.com
SPQR Clan \ Paxxo1985 \ www.spqrclan.com
(Se volete inserire il vostro clan basta avvisare in bacheca o contattandomi direttamente)
19th Platoon \ 19th_Demon \ www.19thplatoon.clannow.com
tHe SpEcTeRs \ ITA_Gate \ http://www.thespecters.altervista.org/index.html
CFF ClanForFun \ StAlK3R88x \ www.clanforfun.it
=CdO= \ LampadinaIT \ www.cdoitalia.com
SPQR Clan \ Paxxo1985 \ www.spqrclan.com
(Se volete inserire il vostro clan basta avvisare in bacheca o contattandomi direttamente)
Platoon feed
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