Platoon Presentation
Welcome to W/\R-_-LORDZ
We're mainly a call of duty clan check us out on http://www.youtube.com/user/CiTAR039
our clan page https://elite.callofduty.com/connect/clan/view/100699#clan-challenges
Medal of Honor Warfighter platoon http://battlelog.battlefield.com/mohw/platoons/edit/4503616807329487/
Add clan members on psn if you want to play with us.
Founder: CiTARO39
Leaders: Black9-_-5Marine, goiyu, RawrPwnsYou, zVoLTz_SaMuRai, yamen77
Soldiers: aez351, braulio1223, threalhaag123, devilmaytam, babaman_1984, Maartrix, Diurnambul, SOUTHERN_GEMINI, wintoys, Yigeng92, juancarkoka, rklingen, Lacayo13, feles1994, Btto9, Fred147XD, Feanor757, BubyAndaReady_PR, sksDoubleM, liamkerr95, Bratia_Parushio, IiI_MO3ATH_IiI, HiddenNinja-97, lamort41,Doom6392, Elite_-Mr-TGoD, Ghost1stBTN, Dk2_Pistol
We're mainly a call of duty clan check us out on http://www.youtube.com/user/CiTAR039
our clan page https://elite.callofduty.com/connect/clan/view/100699#clan-challenges
Medal of Honor Warfighter platoon http://battlelog.battlefield.com/mohw/platoons/edit/4503616807329487/
Add clan members on psn if you want to play with us.
Founder: CiTARO39
Leaders: Black9-_-5Marine, goiyu, RawrPwnsYou, zVoLTz_SaMuRai, yamen77
Soldiers: aez351, braulio1223, threalhaag123, devilmaytam, babaman_1984, Maartrix, Diurnambul, SOUTHERN_GEMINI, wintoys, Yigeng92, juancarkoka, rklingen, Lacayo13, feles1994, Btto9, Fred147XD, Feanor757, BubyAndaReady_PR, sksDoubleM, liamkerr95, Bratia_Parushio, IiI_MO3ATH_IiI, HiddenNinja-97, lamort41,Doom6392, Elite_-Mr-TGoD, Ghost1stBTN, Dk2_Pistol
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