Red Saber Seven
Platoon Presentation
Red Saber Seven Platoon Constitution
1. Joining Requirements: To become a Red Saber, you must exhibit the following character traits:
Professional attitude, fairplay, superior moral conduct, good sportsmanship, respect, and overall maturity. We do not accept you based on your K/D or W/L ratios. The Red Sabers are a proud group of professional players who work as a team, and assist their fellow players in a selfless manner. If you are a lone wolf, trash talker, egotistical "pro", you may search for another clan.
2. Admissions Process: To apply for admission, you may file a direct application on the Platoon page, and contact a RS7 Recruiting Warrant Officer. It is recommended you do both these steps so as to enter a swift
admissions process. The current RS7 RWO is Xbox Live tag: CENTER MA55 .
The RWO's Battlelog tag is: CENTERMA55178.
After contact is made, the Officer will talk with you and get to know you. Upon acceptance of your profile, the Officer will inform a Team Leader of your approval, and you will become a member.
3. Our Mission: As a group, we strive to offer a balanced environment to all players.
Whether you're a hardcore player who's always at the front line, or the occassional gamer who plays for recreation,
you're a part of the team. We adhere to strict moral and character ideals in order to maintain a solid core and
professional attitude. You MUST be willing to be a team-player, regardless of your playstyle. As a Saber, you can
take pride in the fact that you are a valued asset to a team of like-minded gamers,
and that your voice is always heard.
4. Ranks: Lowest to Highest: Member, Soldier, Sergeant, Officer, Warrant Officer, Chief Warrant Officer, Leader.
There are some sub categories to the Officer ranks. Your ability to progess through these ranks is dependent
on your attitude, conduct, and teamwork. Members and Soldiers make up the main fighting force of our Platoon.
Sergeants and Officers are responsible for managing squads and combat tactics, as well as spreading the word
for reruiting. Warrant Officers are responsible for admissions and moderate problems any member(s) may have.
Leaders are in direct administrative positions, and make sure all Platoon operations are on task.
the CO's Gamertag is: Captain Shaddok
the XO's Gamertag is: Cougar622
1. Joining Requirements: To become a Red Saber, you must exhibit the following character traits:
Professional attitude, fairplay, superior moral conduct, good sportsmanship, respect, and overall maturity. We do not accept you based on your K/D or W/L ratios. The Red Sabers are a proud group of professional players who work as a team, and assist their fellow players in a selfless manner. If you are a lone wolf, trash talker, egotistical "pro", you may search for another clan.
2. Admissions Process: To apply for admission, you may file a direct application on the Platoon page, and contact a RS7 Recruiting Warrant Officer. It is recommended you do both these steps so as to enter a swift
admissions process. The current RS7 RWO is Xbox Live tag: CENTER MA55 .
The RWO's Battlelog tag is: CENTERMA55178.
After contact is made, the Officer will talk with you and get to know you. Upon acceptance of your profile, the Officer will inform a Team Leader of your approval, and you will become a member.
3. Our Mission: As a group, we strive to offer a balanced environment to all players.
Whether you're a hardcore player who's always at the front line, or the occassional gamer who plays for recreation,
you're a part of the team. We adhere to strict moral and character ideals in order to maintain a solid core and
professional attitude. You MUST be willing to be a team-player, regardless of your playstyle. As a Saber, you can
take pride in the fact that you are a valued asset to a team of like-minded gamers,
and that your voice is always heard.
4. Ranks: Lowest to Highest: Member, Soldier, Sergeant, Officer, Warrant Officer, Chief Warrant Officer, Leader.
There are some sub categories to the Officer ranks. Your ability to progess through these ranks is dependent
on your attitude, conduct, and teamwork. Members and Soldiers make up the main fighting force of our Platoon.
Sergeants and Officers are responsible for managing squads and combat tactics, as well as spreading the word
for reruiting. Warrant Officers are responsible for admissions and moderate problems any member(s) may have.
Leaders are in direct administrative positions, and make sure all Platoon operations are on task.
the CO's Gamertag is: Captain Shaddok
the XO's Gamertag is: Cougar622
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