Platoon Presentation
Our Gaming Clan started out as a group of friends and family gaming together,
having fun, that figured we needed a place of our own.
Our Clan leader and Administrators have been gaming for quite a while...
So we knew what we had in mind when we started this Clan.
- Everyone will be welcome to play on our
Call Of Duty™ 4 Modern Warfare® and Battlefield™ 3® Servers -
- We have however set the minimum age at 18 for all new Clan Members -
- Our rules stand and will not be bent ! -
- This is a family clan, we like to keep our servers clean ! -
- Therefore everyone playing on our servers will be respected ! -
- Respect comes in both ways, remember that when you interact ! -
- Watch your language in game, in the forums and on Teamspeak™ !
Foul and/or Obscene language is FORBIDDEN - ZERO TOLERANCE ! -
- Politeness is not too much to ask, we have players from all
over the world, different cultures and religions
Racial or Political remarks ARE OUT OF THE QUESTION ! -
- Hacking, cheating or glitching in any way WILL BE DEALT WITH SEVERELY ! -
- Spawn camping / cruising simply WILL NOT BE TOLERATED ! -
- NO Claymores / C4 or sticky nades near spawnpoints ! -
- NO Bunny Hopping or Jump Shooting please ! -
- Advertising or recruiting is NOT ALLOWED ! -
- Abide by these rules and when requested by our ADMIN ! -
having fun, that figured we needed a place of our own.
Our Clan leader and Administrators have been gaming for quite a while...
So we knew what we had in mind when we started this Clan.
- Everyone will be welcome to play on our
Call Of Duty™ 4 Modern Warfare® and Battlefield™ 3® Servers -
- We have however set the minimum age at 18 for all new Clan Members -
- Our rules stand and will not be bent ! -
- This is a family clan, we like to keep our servers clean ! -
- Therefore everyone playing on our servers will be respected ! -
- Respect comes in both ways, remember that when you interact ! -
- Watch your language in game, in the forums and on Teamspeak™ !
Foul and/or Obscene language is FORBIDDEN - ZERO TOLERANCE ! -
- Politeness is not too much to ask, we have players from all
over the world, different cultures and religions
Racial or Political remarks ARE OUT OF THE QUESTION ! -
- Hacking, cheating or glitching in any way WILL BE DEALT WITH SEVERELY ! -
- Spawn camping / cruising simply WILL NOT BE TOLERATED ! -
- NO Claymores / C4 or sticky nades near spawnpoints ! -
- NO Bunny Hopping or Jump Shooting please ! -
- Advertising or recruiting is NOT ALLOWED ! -
- Abide by these rules and when requested by our ADMIN ! -
Platoon feed
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