Fuck You Hataz
Tag: [FYH] Fans: 37 Created: 2011-12-03

Platoon Presentation

The Code Of FYH

1.We do not disrepect woman zero tolerance for this being broken.

2.We do not be racist to other players no form of racism is alllowed.

3.We play with integrity honor and respect loyalty dignity.

4.We do team work no rambo solo missions all or none.

5.No teamate is left behind no disrepect amongst each other.

6.We do not disobey orders from The clan leader and Co-Leaders.

7.If you are new to the clan and a game ask for the veterans Advice.

8.Watch each others Backs and anyone that is Securing an objective Or planting a Charge take a bullet if it saves them.

9.If you have a problem with another Family member Tell JHIZZEL18 or another Co Leader we will find a way to resolve the issue as quickly and orderly as possible.

10.The Leader is JHIZZEL18.

11.Co Leaders Are Deadman34 Manfro11_ Flipwilson09 Missa09 xTNPxSeal just find the Admins in this group because I forget how to spell their online names.

12.If in the Game you can revive ressurrect someone Do it med kits are a FYH requirement.

13.Not lettings others talk will not be tolerated Cutting Someone off Won't be either Unless it is To Tell us That their is an enemy behind us or you need a medic

14.No Minors Allowed Unless the Clan Votes on it.

15.Teamkilling Will Be An Automatic Boot from the clan no exceptions Unless it is An Accident Exp. You are shooting at the Same guy and one of us walks in front of your bullets Accidents only Purposely will not be tollerated.

16.No constant Swearing here and there all good every word shows immaturity

17.Using the Word'S HONKY NIGGER SPICK JAP GOOK BEANER ANY RACIST TERM No iff and's or But's Get the Fuck Out of this Family We don't Need you.

18.No Haters Are allowed in this clan no exceptions I don't care if it's your mama FATHER Brother Sister Wife or Husband HATE WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.


20.Trying to tell the Veterans on a game how to play will get you a Dishonorable Discharge From the Family Exp. MAG JHIZZEL18 700 plus hours 500 plus grim reaper ribbions I'm Sure he knows more about the game then you and How to play it.

21.Flirting If your Single We will tolerate it Married Seprated or Dating We will Not tolerate it Because it will only cause us Drama and we Refuse to deal With It so it is A Automatic Boot Zero Tolerence Rule.

22.Must Have A Facebook Page And Add us so we can add you to the Group .

23.Have Fun Play Hard and Show them Hataz What We Stand For And BY.

P.S If this is missing any rules or any Questions regarding these rules Message Justin J. Hall Sincerly Your Family Leader JHIZZEL18 .


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