Respect and Recognize
Platoon Presentation
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This is the Elite RnR platoon, you must apply at the recruiting platoon and work your way up thats why you can only be invited to this platoon. To search the recruiting platoon type in Respect and Recognize in the platoon search and its the one with the RnRr tag.
Respect and Recognize is a clan about a lot of things, but the most important one is we’re a family in and out of the game, we stick together and utilize teamwork. We are a melting pot with all different kinds of races from all over the world with ages 17-40, we even have a girl, and they all are Respected and Recognized in the clan. Outside the clan we demand Respect and are Recognized for our various talents. We have had our minor setbacks though like any clan and as a result I'm tired of untrustworthy people screwing me over and I'm tired of immature kids so you must be 17+ and must be willing to start an _R_and_R_ account to officially be a part of our clan, which I must make for you when the time is right and you have picked a name. Our main game is BF3 but we do play others, however our only platform is PS3. So if you’re looking for cool, mature, team oriented people to game with for life and most likely make real friends for life then join our RnR Recruiting platoon. Everyone is accepted into the RnR Recruiting platoon and trained but only those who can listen, learn, and get better get accepted into the Elite RnR platoon, this platoon, and become an honorary _R_and_R_ clan member. Any questions message Rated_R_and_R_ on PSN, to play with the clan and test it out add RangeL_R_and_R_ on PSN.
#1/Have a Mic:
You need to be able to communicate with your team.
You need to be able to work well with others effectively.
#3/Be Mature:
You must be 17 or older for maturity reasons.
#4/Be Cool:
We don't want problem people in our clan.
#5/No Scrubs:
You must maintain a 1.3 K/D to remain in the clan and a 1.5 K/D to stay in a tournament team.
_R_and_R_ is all about Respect so you should show respect to all your fellow members. You should never talk bad about your own clan nor should you stand by and let someone else talk bad your clan, friend or not..we stick together.
Rule #1/D.T.A.:
If they're not RnR then don't trust em, we do not give private info to non RnR members.
Rule #2/No Tag:
Tagging is a sign of disrespect to your enemy so we do not tag eachother, ranked or unranked. 1st time you tag another RnR member you will be warned in case you can't read, 2nd time you will be kicked from the clan. There is no excuse for it, if an RnR is on the other team then you know to watch for names or don't tag at all. Recruits you can tag but they can't tag you, think of it as hazing.
Rule #3/Follow The Leader:
Respect your elders and know your chain of command. If a leader ask you to do something or is trying to tell you something, don't argue just listen. "You have to learn to follow before you can lead".
Rule #4/No Sneaky Sneaky:
Once I (Rambo) have created your _R_and_R_ account for you then you may change your password as much as you like as long as you give me the new password. Only I will know your log in info and I won't access your account without your permission, however I do have random log in checks to make sure people aren't trying to be sneaky. If I attempt to log in your RnR account and I find that your log in info has been changed without my knowing I will see that as an attempt to steal one of my assets and you will be removed from the clan. I don't like disloyal or untrustworthy people and theres no room for them in this family.
Games RnR Is On:
*Madden 2013
*Dead Island
*MOH: War Fighter
Games RnR Will Be On Soon:
*NFS: The Run
*COD Black Ops 2
*Dead Island: RipTide
*Metro The Last Light
~Check Out RnR Tournaments where you could win $2,222! Just Click Official Website~
~Also Check Out 0RnRTube0 On YouTube~
_R_and_R_ Incorporated, yea we sophisticated, please don't hate it!
~Also Check Out 0RnRTube0 On YouTube~
This is the Elite RnR platoon, you must apply at the recruiting platoon and work your way up thats why you can only be invited to this platoon. To search the recruiting platoon type in Respect and Recognize in the platoon search and its the one with the RnRr tag.
Respect and Recognize is a clan about a lot of things, but the most important one is we’re a family in and out of the game, we stick together and utilize teamwork. We are a melting pot with all different kinds of races from all over the world with ages 17-40, we even have a girl, and they all are Respected and Recognized in the clan. Outside the clan we demand Respect and are Recognized for our various talents. We have had our minor setbacks though like any clan and as a result I'm tired of untrustworthy people screwing me over and I'm tired of immature kids so you must be 17+ and must be willing to start an _R_and_R_ account to officially be a part of our clan, which I must make for you when the time is right and you have picked a name. Our main game is BF3 but we do play others, however our only platform is PS3. So if you’re looking for cool, mature, team oriented people to game with for life and most likely make real friends for life then join our RnR Recruiting platoon. Everyone is accepted into the RnR Recruiting platoon and trained but only those who can listen, learn, and get better get accepted into the Elite RnR platoon, this platoon, and become an honorary _R_and_R_ clan member. Any questions message Rated_R_and_R_ on PSN, to play with the clan and test it out add RangeL_R_and_R_ on PSN.
#1/Have a Mic:
You need to be able to communicate with your team.
You need to be able to work well with others effectively.
#3/Be Mature:
You must be 17 or older for maturity reasons.
#4/Be Cool:
We don't want problem people in our clan.
#5/No Scrubs:
You must maintain a 1.3 K/D to remain in the clan and a 1.5 K/D to stay in a tournament team.
_R_and_R_ is all about Respect so you should show respect to all your fellow members. You should never talk bad about your own clan nor should you stand by and let someone else talk bad your clan, friend or not..we stick together.
Rule #1/D.T.A.:
If they're not RnR then don't trust em, we do not give private info to non RnR members.
Rule #2/No Tag:
Tagging is a sign of disrespect to your enemy so we do not tag eachother, ranked or unranked. 1st time you tag another RnR member you will be warned in case you can't read, 2nd time you will be kicked from the clan. There is no excuse for it, if an RnR is on the other team then you know to watch for names or don't tag at all. Recruits you can tag but they can't tag you, think of it as hazing.
Rule #3/Follow The Leader:
Respect your elders and know your chain of command. If a leader ask you to do something or is trying to tell you something, don't argue just listen. "You have to learn to follow before you can lead".
Rule #4/No Sneaky Sneaky:
Once I (Rambo) have created your _R_and_R_ account for you then you may change your password as much as you like as long as you give me the new password. Only I will know your log in info and I won't access your account without your permission, however I do have random log in checks to make sure people aren't trying to be sneaky. If I attempt to log in your RnR account and I find that your log in info has been changed without my knowing I will see that as an attempt to steal one of my assets and you will be removed from the clan. I don't like disloyal or untrustworthy people and theres no room for them in this family.
Games RnR Is On:
*Madden 2013
*Dead Island
*MOH: War Fighter
Games RnR Will Be On Soon:
*NFS: The Run
*COD Black Ops 2
*Dead Island: RipTide
*Metro The Last Light
~Check Out RnR Tournaments where you could win $2,222! Just Click Official Website~
~Also Check Out 0RnRTube0 On YouTube~
_R_and_R_ Incorporated, yea we sophisticated, please don't hate it!
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