Tag: [MSFT] Fans: 14 Created: 2011-12-18

Platoon Presentation

Stay cool

Have fun

Dont be a "TRY HARD" classic

jump up jump up and get down

Blame CANADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TRY OUTS: must go through our demanding training to be a top contender and pre game warm up must include Boogie Down the Pounds Richard Simmons workout video

1. must own a unicorn
2. must have KD of 7.23 million
3. must be shorter than 4ft 2inches
4. unicorn has to be painted like a race car
5. must wear a eye patch while playing
6. get misfits tattooed on first born sons forehead
7. speak 17 languages
8. try not to watch porn while playing
9. nine
10. blame CANADA!!!
11. must have won the tv show the biggest loser
12. must still collect food stamps after winning the lottery
13. pet a angry manatee

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