The Drinkinbeers
Tag: [DB] Web: Official website Fans: 21 Created: 2012-01-04

Platoon Presentation

A Fine Brew since 2002. The Drinkinbeers are a casual gaming group that have been around for 10+ years. The Drinkinbeers have spanned the gamut of gaming starting out in the MoH series, COD, and BF.
the Drinkinbeers also had a large presence in SWG with an estimated 250 members at its peak. A few beers went on to play other MMOs such as Vanguard, Warhammer and several others. A few beers were in Azeroth for a bit under a different name, but beers nonetheless.

The Drinkinbeers mantra, first and foremost, is have fun. Bellyachers and whiners need not apply.


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