142nd ECHO company
Platoon Presentation
142nd ECHO company is a underling platoon from 142nd( we are not separated just re organizing and restructuring)
142nd ECHO is for all of the east coast players we have.we have a few rules in ECHO
1.you pay attention to the main platoon page and follow your own company page as well
2.if you ARE appointed a job!you do your job to the best of your abilities,or you will be replaced
3.when we are practicing or scrimming you keep battle chatter down to a minimum so team communicate can be achieved
4.if you sign up for a scrim,you WILL show up(unless prior notification has been made)
5.show up for practice and you WILL be rewarded we are growing fast in the 142nd so leadership spots will be opening as more members come and training continues.
Field colonel - ScarecrowWest
First leutenant - Amanwithnopants
Recruiting Officer - Colonelcanabis0
as we get more this presentation will change and grow
SQUAD A callsign K-9
1. Scarecrowwest
2. Steed03
3. Jeremybvile
4. Fat killz 420
1. Colonelcanabis0
2. Amanwithnopants
3. jgav07
4. xMISFITX v2
142nd ECHO is for all of the east coast players we have.we have a few rules in ECHO
1.you pay attention to the main platoon page and follow your own company page as well
2.if you ARE appointed a job!you do your job to the best of your abilities,or you will be replaced
3.when we are practicing or scrimming you keep battle chatter down to a minimum so team communicate can be achieved
4.if you sign up for a scrim,you WILL show up(unless prior notification has been made)
5.show up for practice and you WILL be rewarded we are growing fast in the 142nd so leadership spots will be opening as more members come and training continues.
Field colonel - ScarecrowWest
First leutenant - Amanwithnopants
Recruiting Officer - Colonelcanabis0
as we get more this presentation will change and grow
SQUAD A callsign K-9
1. Scarecrowwest
2. Steed03
3. Jeremybvile
4. Fat killz 420
1. Colonelcanabis0
2. Amanwithnopants
3. jgav07
4. xMISFITX v2
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