Platoon Presentation
++++++++++++++++++++++++++ http://rubi-con.net +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Отряд играет кланвары в формате Conquest Large 15vs15
Мы всегда нацелены играть в максимальных форматах командных игр!!!
Страничка отряда на Clanbase - http://clanbase.ggl.com/claninfo.php?cid=1036111
Страничка отряда на ESL - http://www.esl.eu/cis/team/6783507/
Мы так же являемся организаторами лиги и турниров "Real Battlefield League"
Лига Real Battlefield, где мы играем - http://rubi-con.net/rbl.html
Сейчас мы находимся в процессе создания Лиги уже в БФ4
"Европейский ладер на Clanbase 12на12 и больше", где мы в том числе играем -
Игровой сервер Rubicon (32 слота, большой захват)
Тема отряда в бателлоге - http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/ru/forum/threadview/2832654625220611169/1/
Свой голосовой сервер тимспик3 - ts.rubi-con.net:9989 (pass – 2012)
War-arrangers - Если хотите с нами "повоевать", то свяжитесь с кем то из них, мы готовы сыграть кланвар с любым соперником, по разным правилам...
Календарь предстоящих игр - http://rubi-con.net/forums/calendar/
Стрим команды(трансляция с кланваров) по адресам: (пока нет)
Даты и время матчей, всегда можно посмотреть в календаре у нас на сайте - http://rubi-con.net/forums/calendar/
Статистика по прошедшим кланварам: - http://rubi-con.net/forums/topic/119-%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B0-%D1%81%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B6%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B9-%D0%BE%D1%82%D1%80%D1%8F%D0%B4%D0%B0-np/
p.s. Ещё один взвод для друзей, фанов и тд...(открытое вступление)http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/ru/platoon/2832655391629297019/
Заявки на вступление в отряд подаются на форуме команды.
Зам. Командира Отряда по Личному составу:
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/ru/user/Oldj1968/ (диалог с кандидатами желающими вступить в Rubicon ведёт он)
другие его контакты:
почта: genis_@bk.ru
скайп: oldj68
Rubicon team playing Battlefield 4 on PC.
We are playing in 15 on 15 formats and more in a large conquest game mode.
Rubicon`s server (32 slots):
We are in the lead in "BF3 Conquest 14vs14-16vs16 Europe":
We are organizers of "Real Battlefield League" (14vs14):
Now we are in the course of creation of the league in BF4
Results of previous clanwars:
*** Requests:
- 12 players team size or more
- large conquest game mode
- Rudeness and so forth in chat are forbidden
- Match is played on two maps, each map is played two rounds with change of the sides (2 rounds on one map and 2 rounds on another), every round can be played on servers of both teams by common agreement.
Note: the victory in game is determined by tickets, not by rounds. (in principle, you can consider somehow, but a priori in Battlefield game the victory was considered by tickets, by the way all tickets of all rounds were summarized and who had them more, that had won.
- We expose our map and you expose yours that means that maps are selected by a vote method before League started.
- If the team will not have minimum players by legue rules, it will be technical defeat.
- Server configures on league is average between soft and hurd. (No 3D spots, no health resumption, no Kill Cam, 100% health, no health resumption on military hardware).
- Any server must be connected in at least one of the following services: Pbbans or GGC-Stream.
Website: http://rubi-con.net
Note: Unfortunately, only in Russian language, English version will be soon.
Team Speak 3 server: ts.rubi-con.net:9989 (pass 2012) --- after 20:30 MSK (UTC+04:00)
If you have any questions or if you'll accept ours invitation, pleas contact:
Our web: http://rubi-con.net/forums/topic/1283-international-relationships/
or http://rubi-con.net/forums/forum/81-real-battlefield-league-bf4/
(but first you have to pass registration on forum (push Регистрация) use for every day any time connection
To challenge us using our forum please follow this link:
or you can also contact these persons:
Diversant-ka - http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/ru/soldier/Diversant-ka_777/stats/404759288/pc/
DoseofJoy - http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/ru/user/DoseofJoy/
Good luck and have fun!
Отряд играет кланвары в формате Conquest Large 15vs15
Мы всегда нацелены играть в максимальных форматах командных игр!!!
Страничка отряда на Clanbase - http://clanbase.ggl.com/claninfo.php?cid=1036111
Страничка отряда на ESL - http://www.esl.eu/cis/team/6783507/
Мы так же являемся организаторами лиги и турниров "Real Battlefield League"
Лига Real Battlefield, где мы играем - http://rubi-con.net/rbl.html
Сейчас мы находимся в процессе создания Лиги уже в БФ4
"Европейский ладер на Clanbase 12на12 и больше", где мы в том числе играем -
Игровой сервер Rubicon (32 слота, большой захват)
Тема отряда в бателлоге - http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/ru/forum/threadview/2832654625220611169/1/
Свой голосовой сервер тимспик3 - ts.rubi-con.net:9989 (pass – 2012)
War-arrangers - Если хотите с нами "повоевать", то свяжитесь с кем то из них, мы готовы сыграть кланвар с любым соперником, по разным правилам...
Календарь предстоящих игр - http://rubi-con.net/forums/calendar/
Стрим команды(трансляция с кланваров) по адресам: (пока нет)
Даты и время матчей, всегда можно посмотреть в календаре у нас на сайте - http://rubi-con.net/forums/calendar/
Статистика по прошедшим кланварам: - http://rubi-con.net/forums/topic/119-%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B0-%D1%81%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B6%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B9-%D0%BE%D1%82%D1%80%D1%8F%D0%B4%D0%B0-np/
p.s. Ещё один взвод для друзей, фанов и тд...(открытое вступление)http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/ru/platoon/2832655391629297019/
Заявки на вступление в отряд подаются на форуме команды.
Зам. Командира Отряда по Личному составу:
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/ru/user/Oldj1968/ (диалог с кандидатами желающими вступить в Rubicon ведёт он)
другие его контакты:
почта: genis_@bk.ru
скайп: oldj68
Rubicon team playing Battlefield 4 on PC.
We are playing in 15 on 15 formats and more in a large conquest game mode.
Rubicon`s server (32 slots):
We are in the lead in "BF3 Conquest 14vs14-16vs16 Europe":
We are organizers of "Real Battlefield League" (14vs14):
Now we are in the course of creation of the league in BF4
Results of previous clanwars:
*** Requests:
- 12 players team size or more
- large conquest game mode
- Rudeness and so forth in chat are forbidden
- Match is played on two maps, each map is played two rounds with change of the sides (2 rounds on one map and 2 rounds on another), every round can be played on servers of both teams by common agreement.
Note: the victory in game is determined by tickets, not by rounds. (in principle, you can consider somehow, but a priori in Battlefield game the victory was considered by tickets, by the way all tickets of all rounds were summarized and who had them more, that had won.
- We expose our map and you expose yours that means that maps are selected by a vote method before League started.
- If the team will not have minimum players by legue rules, it will be technical defeat.
- Server configures on league is average between soft and hurd. (No 3D spots, no health resumption, no Kill Cam, 100% health, no health resumption on military hardware).
- Any server must be connected in at least one of the following services: Pbbans or GGC-Stream.
Website: http://rubi-con.net
Note: Unfortunately, only in Russian language, English version will be soon.
Team Speak 3 server: ts.rubi-con.net:9989 (pass 2012) --- after 20:30 MSK (UTC+04:00)
If you have any questions or if you'll accept ours invitation, pleas contact:
Our web: http://rubi-con.net/forums/topic/1283-international-relationships/
or http://rubi-con.net/forums/forum/81-real-battlefield-league-bf4/
(but first you have to pass registration on forum (push Регистрация) use for every day any time connection
To challenge us using our forum please follow this link:
or you can also contact these persons:
Diversant-ka - http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/ru/soldier/Diversant-ka_777/stats/404759288/pc/
DoseofJoy - http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/ru/user/DoseofJoy/
Good luck and have fun!
Platoon feed
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