Trollin Idiots
Platoon Presentation
Alright so we the fools of Battlefield 3. The Trollin Idiots. Our clan tag is iMAS ur prolly thinking wut the fawk but it means: I majestically assault strippers. If you prefer some more naughty it's: I masturbate to anal sex. I'm not kiddin. If a fool asks you tell em this shit they gun ROFL like crazy :D OH ONE MORE THING, YOU CAN STOP STARING AT MY ANNOYING ESSAY. Catch Phrase= YOU GOT KNOCKED THE FUCK OUT! BIETCH! Alrite so any fool wanting to hook up lets do it :D~~~~K So rules:
Rule# 1 Don't be an effing idiot when it comes to saving your teammate, don't go for the knife when they clearly can kill your teammate.
Rule#2 Don't make dumb choices in vehicles unless it's a jeep or humvee, like Jackinthebox (ILY) for example, he landed a chopper on operation firestorm just to revive my friend DeathBeforeDawn, as a consequence boom we got wiped and our chopper was gone.
Rule#3 don't spam and sing so much that your allies cant hear themselves think.
Rule#4 Don't be a USAS, MK3A1, or Dao 12 Fag. Saiga may be accepted
Rule#5 Have fun with your fellow trolls! <3
Alrite rules aside. Whenever in Battlefield 3, to me it should be all about the fun and stupid shit that happens because Battlefield defies literally all physics. So this basically means try not to take the game seriously unless we get a adrenaline high and other than that we play to have fun. K/D should not be the main priority. Anyone can join this platoon if they just wanna have fun. Hope to see members on the Battlefield and let's do some stupid shit together! <3
Rule# 1 Don't be an effing idiot when it comes to saving your teammate, don't go for the knife when they clearly can kill your teammate.
Rule#2 Don't make dumb choices in vehicles unless it's a jeep or humvee, like Jackinthebox (ILY) for example, he landed a chopper on operation firestorm just to revive my friend DeathBeforeDawn, as a consequence boom we got wiped and our chopper was gone.
Rule#3 don't spam and sing so much that your allies cant hear themselves think.
Rule#4 Don't be a USAS, MK3A1, or Dao 12 Fag. Saiga may be accepted
Rule#5 Have fun with your fellow trolls! <3
Alrite rules aside. Whenever in Battlefield 3, to me it should be all about the fun and stupid shit that happens because Battlefield defies literally all physics. So this basically means try not to take the game seriously unless we get a adrenaline high and other than that we play to have fun. K/D should not be the main priority. Anyone can join this platoon if they just wanna have fun. Hope to see members on the Battlefield and let's do some stupid shit together! <3
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