The F.F.S. Squad
Platoon Presentation
Right benders, the results are in, 10 votes in total although Risky voted twice >;-/
What should the FFSS platoon name be for Battlefield 4?
In order of number of votes:
RATS - The Rub-A-Tug Squad (Server name: Rub-A-Tug Shop) 30% (3)
TWSS - The Wizard Sleeve Slappers 20% (2)
FKSS - Five Knuckle Shuffle Squad 10% (1)
SMAW - The Suck My Awesome Weapon Squad 10% (1)
HACD - The Honourary Austrian Cellar Dwellers 10% (1)
FAGS - Fat Angry Gaming Slags 10% (1)
FLOS - The Fucking Load of Shit Squad 10% (1)
What should the FFSS platoon name be for Battlefield 4?
In order of number of votes:
RATS - The Rub-A-Tug Squad (Server name: Rub-A-Tug Shop) 30% (3)
TWSS - The Wizard Sleeve Slappers 20% (2)
FKSS - Five Knuckle Shuffle Squad 10% (1)
SMAW - The Suck My Awesome Weapon Squad 10% (1)
HACD - The Honourary Austrian Cellar Dwellers 10% (1)
FAGS - Fat Angry Gaming Slags 10% (1)
FLOS - The Fucking Load of Shit Squad 10% (1)
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