Devils of War
Platoon Presentation
We fight, we die, we survive and we thrive as one!
We relentlessly engage and pursue the enemy as one!
We support each other and as ONE team, we get shit done!
To be eligable to Join Devils of War you need to be able to answer yes to the following four questions:
1) Are you over 18?
2) Do you have or can you get a Skype account?
3) Can you play with the team a minimum of once a week?
4) Can you be a team player and put the team above your own score?
If you answered yes to ALL four questions follow the instructions below in order and you are welcome to join.
To Join:
1) Click the "Join" button on the above right
2) Wait for someone to make contact
After we get in contact with you:
1) Set your tag to DoWr
2) Create a Yuku Account by following the link "Official Website"above. Use your PSN Id as your user name.
3) Once you create your account notify Vista or Corvec and include your user name so we can find you and send you an invite to the community.
4) Accept the Community Invite.
5) Read Post titled "Welcome New Members" and follow the recommendations.
6) Add all DoW members to your Battlelog Friends List and PSN Friends list.
That's it. Welcome to Devils of War.
**Please send all complaints to Jafnar**
Find us on Fraggednation:
We relentlessly engage and pursue the enemy as one!
We support each other and as ONE team, we get shit done!
To be eligable to Join Devils of War you need to be able to answer yes to the following four questions:
1) Are you over 18?
2) Do you have or can you get a Skype account?
3) Can you play with the team a minimum of once a week?
4) Can you be a team player and put the team above your own score?
If you answered yes to ALL four questions follow the instructions below in order and you are welcome to join.
To Join:
1) Click the "Join" button on the above right
2) Wait for someone to make contact
After we get in contact with you:
1) Set your tag to DoWr
2) Create a Yuku Account by following the link "Official Website"above. Use your PSN Id as your user name.
3) Once you create your account notify Vista or Corvec and include your user name so we can find you and send you an invite to the community.
4) Accept the Community Invite.
5) Read Post titled "Welcome New Members" and follow the recommendations.
6) Add all DoW members to your Battlelog Friends List and PSN Friends list.
That's it. Welcome to Devils of War.
**Please send all complaints to Jafnar**
Find us on Fraggednation:
Platoon feed
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