101st AirBorne
Platoon Presentation
101st Airborne is a military based realism unit that strives for accuracy our troops are well trained killing machines. 101st use military lingo and tactics to the fullest. We are not run and gun call of duty morons if you want to live and be a productive member of the 101st . Then you better be able to listen to orders given and follow them to the letter they will save your life. 101st is broken down into a core of assault team a anti tank team. Armored cavalry a fire team / suppression team TWO Snipers and they need permission to deploy. We are not sniper spammers If you are mature and have a good mind set on tactics and CAN WORK AS A UNIT. Then send me a request and I or one of my team will process it and get back to you with our decision. You can reach me on xbox as Ghost 1 687
Please note 101st will not turn away applicants with out just cause age race and sex do not matter maturity level are what we look for. See you on the field
Please note 101st will not turn away applicants with out just cause age race and sex do not matter maturity level are what we look for. See you on the field
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