Border of Defence
Tag: [BOD] Web: Official website Fans: 0 Created: 2012-02-08

Platoon Presentation

Welcome to Border of Defence, BOD is a gaming community that plays many games. We are a full filling community, like to have fun but then be strict (not to strict), BOD says “A firm Gaming community requires firm strict force”. We are always recruiting so please fill out a Clan Application.
B.O.D (Border of Defence™) the clan was made by several friends, we thought it was going to be a bunch of friends just playing on Xbox but then it went into a clan.

Motto: "This we will Defend, There we will Attack".

We as a gaming community would correspond to open some more Departments but we have not go a lot of members therefore, there is NO chance of opening some at this time, still if we got the members there will not make any promises made. We are always needing Staff Position fill up (It will be a matter if we need them open).

There are awards of staying with the clan at points of time (Awards: 1 Month, 3 Months, 6 Months, 12 Months), there are many other awards for different games in B.O.D when you get rewarded you might get:
FREE money when you are in the Banks Database
You get 3Days OFF! !
You might get FREE promotion.
Free Weebly Pro for 1 Month
This clan is support by several Federal Australian Associations:
AFA - Australian Federal Association
AFP - Australian Federal Police
RAI - Royal Australian Intelligence
ADFC - Australia Defence Forces Cadets
AAC - Australian Army Cadets

We are NOT directly support by these Federals Departments by the Clan Leader is a with all 5. There are some other members that are apart the ADFC.
You Must Fill in a Clan Application / VIEW THE REQUIREMENTS
Then you must wait for a Human Resource Member to contact you or the Interview.
Then you must do Training (If REQUIRED)
You must put in your BIO the following,
Recruit - B.O.D
Border of Defence
Contact: BOD CR3AT0R
ANY PERSONAL INFORMATION Change your Clan tag if you play a game that lets you ! !

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