The Rezistance
Platoon Presentation
The Founders Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/narutoeaglereal
Platoon Youtube:
To Join:
-You must be 13+
-Friendly to other players (No Racism, swearing or anything that offends them)
-Listen to the Platoon Leaders and Co-Leaders
-Do Not be arrogant or cry babyish in a match. It is just a Game!!!!!
-Have a microphone or Capture Card/HD PVR (Optional)
-Give appropriate feed back on how to make the Platoon more EPIC
-Be a Team Player
-Stick with at least 1 team mate
-Get to know the Members
-Try to communicate
-Add The Founders and Leaders on PSN, not the members. It will take up too much space.
-Before You Join You Will Have To Add me As a Friend on Battlelog, and you will have an interview about your status and experience, and more.
-After your Interview you will soon be added by Hunna99 to be observed in game, if I know that you can be a good player then I can make some exceptions-Hunna99
Note: If you have been promoted and wish to recruit a member you should first consult the founder to see the the young recruit is worthy.
Subscribe to our channel: www.youtube.com/rezzistancesquad
When you have joined add the me on PSN: Narutoeagle
Last of all have fun!!!!!!
The Founders Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/narutoeaglereal
Platoon Youtube:
To Join:
-You must be 13+
-Friendly to other players (No Racism, swearing or anything that offends them)
-Listen to the Platoon Leaders and Co-Leaders
-Do Not be arrogant or cry babyish in a match. It is just a Game!!!!!
-Have a microphone or Capture Card/HD PVR (Optional)
-Give appropriate feed back on how to make the Platoon more EPIC
-Be a Team Player
-Stick with at least 1 team mate
-Get to know the Members
-Try to communicate
-Add The Founders and Leaders on PSN, not the members. It will take up too much space.
-Before You Join You Will Have To Add me As a Friend on Battlelog, and you will have an interview about your status and experience, and more.
-After your Interview you will soon be added by Hunna99 to be observed in game, if I know that you can be a good player then I can make some exceptions-Hunna99
Note: If you have been promoted and wish to recruit a member you should first consult the founder to see the the young recruit is worthy.
Subscribe to our channel: www.youtube.com/rezzistancesquad
When you have joined add the me on PSN: Narutoeagle
Last of all have fun!!!!!!
Platoon feed
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