Universal Pirates Inc.
Tag: [uPi] Fans: 5 Created: 2012-02-11

Platoon Presentation

About u.P.i.,
Just a group of gamer's trying to have fun in the land of battlefield 3. We believe in teamwork, honor, fair play, and fun. If you would like to become a member please just let us know, we can play some games together and the team will take a vote on whether or not you could be our next member. See you on the battlefield

Ground Rules for u.P.i. are as follows:
1.)Be respectful to platoon mates
2.)u.P.i. must be clan tag
3.)Must be available to play as a team, at least 2 nights a week
4.)Must have a mic
5.)No Spawn trapping of any kind
6.)No frag rounds are to be used by any u.P.i. member
7.)No exploitation of any glitch in BF3

Platoon feed

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