Birds of Prey
Tag: [BofP] Fans: 6 Created: 2012-03-01

Platoon Presentation

Welcome to the Birds of Prey, a platoon that started in Battlefield 3 on the PSN. We are quite small, but with your help, may one day be a mighty force! Our guiding principals are listed below. If you would like to apply, message the founder, silv3r_bull3t_x, or my second-in-command, Ghost1Soulja. It is important to know that the two founding members will be moving to PC with the arrival of Battlefield 4.

**Note that these are flexible, but for the most part, you need to fit a good amount of these criteria to be a good fit with us. Having a mic is a big one.

1. Teamwork and Awareness:

The most powerful weapon for a Platoon in Battlefield is its ability to work together seamlessly. Without teamwork and cooperation, we can accomplish nothing, so always be ready for a team game when you squad up. Spotting enemies and things associated with the other team is imperative for the successful operation of a Platoon such as the Birds of Prey. Also, stay near your squad and adjust your kit to their needs! If that means changing a Specialization on the fly or just being on the same side of the map, DO IT! Another important aspect of team-based play is of course how aware you are. If you aren't paying attention to everything that's going on around you, you are effectively dead to us. Watching your HUD and other peripheral indicators frequently is a great way to ensure that you are ready to assist the team at any time.

2. Overall Skill Level and Intelligence:

The next most important feature for an applicant is their skill level on the battlefield. We need players that can adapt to the situation and contribute an overall positive effect to the game. If you can't aim halfway decent, your not very useful to us. At the same time, even a human aimbot isn't welcome here if you don't know how to repair from inside a helicopter or revive a fallen teammate. This is where a positive K/D ratio and a significant knowledge base of Battlefield come in handy. Persons with a negative K/D ratio will not be able to join(exception: if all other criteria are met to the most extreme levels).

3. Communication:

Everyone knows that the ability to communicate gets you places. A microphone would do wonders for someone wishing to join the Birds of Prey. Must speak English and be able to carry a message across. If a microphone is not viable, the player must be fluent in the game's communication system; I.E. Spotting objectives and the like.

4. General Demeanor:

How you act is crucial to your acceptance. If you are a complete douche-bag, always rage, always brag or are just inconsiderate in match selection or other such things, you may not be accepted. If you are very chill and easy to get along with, you have a clear advantage over other applicants/recruits.

5. Activity and Cooperation:

Stay active in both the Platoon and Battlefield 3! inactive members will likely be kicked. In reference to your Platoon Tag, It must be applied in all Platoon based games. Other than that, we do not require you to keep the same Platoon tag all the time, meaning you can be in as many platoons as you wish.

Overview of appliance:

We are fairly lenient and are willing to accept many new things, but teamwork is always the main ingredient, so staying active, working as a team, communicating and just being good at Battlefield are all great ways to get into our Platoon.

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