Hell Fighters
Platoon Presentation
Bu bir Türkce ve Ingilizce konuşan bir platoon dir.
Katilmak icin şartlar:
1.)Bir kulaklık
2:Lvl 20 olmanız lazım
3:Clan Tagini HF ye degistirin
Bu kadar :)
This is a platoon where people they're speak english and turkish
These things must u have if you want to join:
1.)A headset
2.)And you must be lvl 20
3.)Change the clantag into HF
And two things Stay Loyal and NO BOOSTING
Katilmak icin şartlar:
1.)Bir kulaklık
2:Lvl 20 olmanız lazım
3:Clan Tagini HF ye degistirin
Bu kadar :)
This is a platoon where people they're speak english and turkish
These things must u have if you want to join:
1.)A headset
2.)And you must be lvl 20
3.)Change the clantag into HF
And two things Stay Loyal and NO BOOSTING
Platoon feed
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