Assassins: Marksman
Platoon Presentation
"Don't run, you'll only die tired"
ASNM: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/platoon/2832655241239927338/
ASNI: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/platoon/2832655241239134369/
ASNO: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/platoon/2832655391557776758/
Battlelog: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/platoon/2832655241153049519/
Gamebattles/MLG: http://gamebattles.majorleaguegaming.com/ps3/battlefield-3/team/assassins
>>>>>CLAN TAG: ASNM<<<<<
For those skilled Snipers out there in Assassins. For those sneaky, silent and accurate players. You won't see us, but we will, at the time you figure out were we are, it will be to late,your blood will be scattered on the ground, and death will be right at your face.
-Stick with your squad, but don't bunch up.
-Always go for headshots.
-Equip X4 or higher Scopes.
-Never leave behind an ally.
-Make routes for the rest of your team.
-Spot enemies.
-No Shotguns.
-Obviously, PTFO.
Tips To Sniping
-1. Pick Your Weapon: Choose a sniper that you are comfortable with. The sniper rifle is your best friend out in the battlefield so pick wisely so you can perform at your best.
-2. Know Your Weapon: Before you go off and try to get that 700+ meter headshot, practice with the sniper until you hit around 100 kills so you will have a feel for it.
-3. "Zeroing In": This my term for figuring out range. At certain ranges (different for every sniper) the bullet will drop off and start a curved path due to velocity of the bullet. It is important to know how far you will need to raise your scope up. When set up at the sniping position that you wanted, it would be best to take a couple of shots at different posistions and different angles to find the travel of the bullet.
-4. Know Your Enviroment: Knowing the common sniping positions of both your team and the enemy is very important to the recon kit. It is best if you can find your enemy before he can find you.
-5. Take The 1st Shot!: DO NOT let the enemy take the first shot. Due to the recent patch, the suppression effect has been increased an extreme amount. This affect snipers the most since we rely on accuracy and precision most of all. The suppression effect on the sniper makes the bullet stray far away from the original target making the bullet useless. If you shoot first you can use this effect to the advantage by making their bullets not hitting their target.
-6. Blend In: Wear the right camo. Do not try to look badass and only wear Spec Ops Black. Wear the camo to suit the enivorment. Example: Desert Khaki in Operation Firestorm or Gulf of Oman.
-7. Spot, Spot, Spot: Spot everything you can see. This will help you and your teammates in the battlefield.
-8. Be Patient: Do not try to get the kill right off the bat. Wait until you get a great shot on the enemy. DO NOT try to shoot a running solider 1500 meters away unless you absoluttly know that you will get the kill.
-9. Be An Adset To The Team: Recons can turn the tide of a battle if used properly.
-10. Know When To Use Your Sidearm: When in trouble against a shotgun or automatic weapon it is recommended to use to resort to your sidearm (mostly best option).
-11. Check The Radar: Best way to kill someone. Do not get to the point where you have tunnel down your scope of your rifle. ALWAYS check that radar.
-12. Motion Sensors: Best gadget that are aviable to the Recon kit. Spot enemy snipers without the risk, make sure no one is coming up behind you or put it on top of the objective.. How ever you can use it.. USE IT.
-Tips By: xFaulconSnipezx aka. xXFaulconXx
ASNM: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/platoon/2832655241239927338/
ASNI: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/platoon/2832655241239134369/
ASNO: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/platoon/2832655391557776758/
Battlelog: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/platoon/2832655241153049519/
Gamebattles/MLG: http://gamebattles.majorleaguegaming.com/ps3/battlefield-3/team/assassins
>>>>>CLAN TAG: ASNM<<<<<
For those skilled Snipers out there in Assassins. For those sneaky, silent and accurate players. You won't see us, but we will, at the time you figure out were we are, it will be to late,your blood will be scattered on the ground, and death will be right at your face.
-Stick with your squad, but don't bunch up.
-Always go for headshots.
-Equip X4 or higher Scopes.
-Never leave behind an ally.
-Make routes for the rest of your team.
-Spot enemies.
-No Shotguns.
-Obviously, PTFO.
Tips To Sniping
-1. Pick Your Weapon: Choose a sniper that you are comfortable with. The sniper rifle is your best friend out in the battlefield so pick wisely so you can perform at your best.
-2. Know Your Weapon: Before you go off and try to get that 700+ meter headshot, practice with the sniper until you hit around 100 kills so you will have a feel for it.
-3. "Zeroing In": This my term for figuring out range. At certain ranges (different for every sniper) the bullet will drop off and start a curved path due to velocity of the bullet. It is important to know how far you will need to raise your scope up. When set up at the sniping position that you wanted, it would be best to take a couple of shots at different posistions and different angles to find the travel of the bullet.
-4. Know Your Enviroment: Knowing the common sniping positions of both your team and the enemy is very important to the recon kit. It is best if you can find your enemy before he can find you.
-5. Take The 1st Shot!: DO NOT let the enemy take the first shot. Due to the recent patch, the suppression effect has been increased an extreme amount. This affect snipers the most since we rely on accuracy and precision most of all. The suppression effect on the sniper makes the bullet stray far away from the original target making the bullet useless. If you shoot first you can use this effect to the advantage by making their bullets not hitting their target.
-6. Blend In: Wear the right camo. Do not try to look badass and only wear Spec Ops Black. Wear the camo to suit the enivorment. Example: Desert Khaki in Operation Firestorm or Gulf of Oman.
-7. Spot, Spot, Spot: Spot everything you can see. This will help you and your teammates in the battlefield.
-8. Be Patient: Do not try to get the kill right off the bat. Wait until you get a great shot on the enemy. DO NOT try to shoot a running solider 1500 meters away unless you absoluttly know that you will get the kill.
-9. Be An Adset To The Team: Recons can turn the tide of a battle if used properly.
-10. Know When To Use Your Sidearm: When in trouble against a shotgun or automatic weapon it is recommended to use to resort to your sidearm (mostly best option).
-11. Check The Radar: Best way to kill someone. Do not get to the point where you have tunnel down your scope of your rifle. ALWAYS check that radar.
-12. Motion Sensors: Best gadget that are aviable to the Recon kit. Spot enemy snipers without the risk, make sure no one is coming up behind you or put it on top of the objective.. How ever you can use it.. USE IT.
-Tips By: xFaulconSnipezx aka. xXFaulconXx
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