1st Marine Regiment
Tag: [1MR] Web: Official website Fans: 25 Created: 2012-03-12

Platoon Presentation

Looking for a platoon?

Do you want to play with an objective orientated team?
Do you want to hear real-time information about the enemy?
Tired of that, *father of the year* in your team yelling at there kids over there mic?
Sick of that troll team killing every one
Are you willing to take orders and do what ever it takes to help the team win?

1st Marine Regiment wants you!

-We are a newer, upcoming platoon looking for members of all types regardless of experience

-We play all game modes but center around SDM and CQ

-Communication is our advantage over our enemy

Just A few requirements (for now),
- Must have and use a mic.
- Be a team player. On objective based games (Rush or Conquest) K/D Ratio is not important, this isnt COD.
- Focus on your roll and use your tools (Example. If your a engineer, repair friendly's and focus on eliminating enemy armor)
- Willingness to learn and better yourself under supervision and guidance of a higher experienced member

We are a MilSim clan/platoon, structured and ranked but don't let that scare you. We WILL help you grow, and we will respect you from the beginning.

Yes, we are fairly new, and this is your chance to get in now and help us expand.
We are planning big things in the near future and you have a chance to be apart of it from the beginning.

Joining later will not be as easy...

Apply NOW!

Register on our web site using your Gammertag, and follow all HOW to join messages.
Our Website - http://www.1stmarineregiment.enjin.com

After you have done that we will send you an invite to this platoon.
Gen - TG Wild Brad (CO)


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