Man Of Action
Tag: [MOA] Fans: 4 Created: 2012-03-24

Platoon Presentation

"One single [MOA] member can kill an entire battalion of men, but an entire squad of [MOA] members can move mountains, drain seas, and destroy worlds... Imagine what a company could do."

We are [MOA] a clan that just recently closed but brought back from the dead. Also I was thinking about making was thinking about making someone with leadership skills to take over Europe, and Aussie, so that way we could share the work and we wouldn't have a single all high ruler. I am debating weather or not to make a three [MOA] clans being [AMOA], [UMOA], and [EMOA]: Australia's Man Of Action, United states's Man Of Action, and Europe's Man Of Action. All would be branches of [MOA]. leave your thoughts in the Platoon feed.

Here are the rules: 1.1
Finding an empty Squad Rush Server is not always straight forward. Both teams need to be ready to enter the server & accept invites immediately so that no randoms get into the game. Once in the game set up squads/swap sides as necessary. Perhaps having both teams of 4 in the one Party Chat during set up would be the best way. Because this is Squad Rush, setting up Squads should be relatively quick & straight forward. Should there be a delay the initial round/room you are in can be a warm up/pre round. Upon conclusion of this round, the very next round will be considered the first live round of the match - and both teams should be in their own private chats by this stage.

Should Randoms get into a server - play can be halted with messages sent to that person through XBL asking them to leave as you are playing a Private Match. As we are using public servers, this can & should be expected to happen occassionally. It is not their fault and is unfortunate, so manners & respectful attitudes will serve you well. This is unfortunate but it is the best we can do for Aus/NZ Battlefield until private servers are made available.

Should Randoms not leave - new servers can be found at Captains Discretion.

In the case of multiple drop outs/unstable server perhaps researching for better quality empty server should take precedence. This might be more common on overseas servers should nothing local be found to play the match. Recommendations are for Australian > South US > West US servers. If nothing satisfactory is found matches can be rescheduled, between agreement of both parties. Please notify CG BF3 Administrators to make/allow appropriate changes to rescheduling of challenge.

Using drop outs as an excuse for result of match is more unfortunate than acceptable reason for dispute. Both teams should be aware of starting line ups & aware if randoms are in the room. This should not be hard to pick up considering player counts are 4 each side. Once noted, please halt general play until the issue can be resolved. It is urged all teams pull back until random can be removed from server amicably. There is no time limit and tickets only go down based on kills made.

This is a fun ladder & acceptances on both sides should be made within reason.

Should teams not be able to reach satisfactory resolution between themselves, all disputes can be forwarded to Cybergamer Admin/Mod's for dispute resolution at the end of match. We urge this is the last alternative and fairplay is conducted throughout all matches.

General Gameplay

Teams must be in the server ready to start within 15 minutes of the designated match time, teams not ready to start within that time may be forfeited.

The challenging team will be the attackers for the first map, and must set up squads on this side.

Rounds are played until either the attacking team has destroyed both MCOM stations or the defending team has taken 20 tickets off the attackers.

A maximum amount of six consecutive rounds are played, the first team to win 4 rounds is the winner.

There is only 5 possible final scores. 4-0, 4-1, 4-2, 3-3. In the result of a 3-3 tie, a decider match (1 round only) is played with the Challenging team the Attacker and the higher ladder placed team the Defender. Both teams must enter the score into the Match details page before 11:30pm that night. The result of this match will be a 4-3 result.

You have 10 minutes after the listed start time of your match to ready up and go live, failure to be ready will result in a match forfeit to your team.

You must have at least 3 players on your team in the server to start a match.

If you get disconnected during the match you can rejoin the server but you must
IMMEDIATELY switch to your team and not spawn in or idle on the other team.

2.0 Weapon Restrictions

The Following weapons are not permitted to be used in matches
- USAS-12
- DAO-12
- MK3A1

The following Weapon Ammunition's are not permitted to be used in matches
- Frag Rounds

The following Weapon Attachments are not permitted to be used in matches
- Extended Mags (Support class)

2.1 Special Equipment Restrictions

The following Special Equipment are not permitted to be used in matches
- MSP (Recon Spawn Point)]
- TUGs
- EOD Bot
- C4 Explosives
- Mortar Strikes
- Claymores
- Mines
- M320 Grenade Launcher (however smoke grenades are allowed)
- M320 Buck
- M26 Dart
- Underslung rail can not be used with the M26. It may only be used with smokes or a med kit.

Any use of Restrictions during the match will result in loss of round, it is essential Captains and players familiarise themselves with these rules and discuss them to their Squad/Team prior to start of match.

If accidental use takes place and the non-offending Captain allow this mistake to not affect the outcome of the round then they may choose to do so at their discretion. This is not mandatory.

Captains must immediately notify the opposing captain of offence. Captains who do not sort out Restrictions being used prior to next round taking place will forfeit every round until the Restrictions rulesets are adhered to.

There is no grounds for argument or using of Restricted Weapons on the basis that the opposition were using them - adhere to restrictions at all times, even if the opposite team has broken the rule set and let the Captains determine the outcome of any offences made, amicably between themselves, in the interest of sportsmanship & fair play.

3.0 Cheating
Cheating is not permitted on the CyberGamer system, any offenders will face a lifetime
ban from the website and lose eligibility to play permanently. These cheating offenses


- Use of map glitches to gain access to areas of the map that are not there by design but by flaw.

- Only things that are freely available to all players are allowed to be used in matches.

- Using people who are ineligable to play (unless an agreement it made with opposing team) or who are not enrolled in the team.

Glitching rules being broken will result in a forfeit loss and 5 spot drop on the ladder.

4.0 Code of Conduct
It is not acceptable to do the following ingame, the result of doing so will be match forfeits or the removal of your team or players from the ladder:

- Ingame abuse over text chat

- Ingame abuse over voice chat

Platoon feed

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