Sons of War Reserve
Tag: [rSoW] Fans: 17 Created: 2012-03-24

Platoon Presentation

As our official platoon, [SoW] Sons of War, continues to gain popularity and grow, we found the need to start a Reserves so that we could continue to accept players wanting to join without being put on a wait list. Not all Reserves will go on to graduate. Consider this your probation period where we will work with you on communication, strategy, teamwork, and leveling up.

NEWS: We currently have two servers available for your shooting pleasure. Search -[SoW]- and they should come up. The two servers are; -[SoW]- SQUAD GAMES - Official Server and -[SoW]- TRAINING GROUNDS - Official Server. Both have unique rules and map rotations, so please pay attention when joining. Hoorah!

Cephious out!

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