Lancs Special Forces
Tag: [LSF] Web: Official website Fans: 86 Created: 2012-04-05

Platoon Presentation

LSF members please sign up to the new website!

Lancs Special Forces, [LSF], was first created Lancashire, UK in 1998. Over the years the clan has gained many excellent and experienced players from various age ranges.

[LSF] are predominantly a clan who treat gaming as fun. Although we have previously been held in high-esteem on clan match websites, including being one of the leading clans during Battlefield 2, our current aim is to simply enjoy gaming.

[LSF] is a very easy going clan, no pressure is put on when you need to play, whether you need to donate, or whether to come and talk to us on TeamSpeak. All we ask is that our players promote [LSF] by simply following our server rules. Obviously we like good players and do not accept hackers or glitchers

If you're interested in joining our ranks please see here for details:

Interested in playing a clan match against LSF? See here:

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