Elite Gamers(STDT)
Platoon Presentation
We are the Elite Gamers, if you choose to bring a friend that's fine.
if you have a problem with another member then let us know and if im not on snipersnemesis10 or CrazyHellTown387 will notify me and we will deal with it which could mean being kicked from here and banned from certain servers.
We are looking for 1more leaders, if you are interested then please apply for the platoon, first 3 get to be the platoon leaders and depending on the amount of applicants we will bring the leader size up by 2more. if we have a certain amount of leaders depending on the rank of whomever wants to be a leader we will allow whoever it may be to become a leader.
Clan tag is STDT (Stay together die together)
if you have a problem with another member then let us know and if im not on snipersnemesis10 or CrazyHellTown387 will notify me and we will deal with it which could mean being kicked from here and banned from certain servers.
We are looking for 1more leaders, if you are interested then please apply for the platoon, first 3 get to be the platoon leaders and depending on the amount of applicants we will bring the leader size up by 2more. if we have a certain amount of leaders depending on the rank of whomever wants to be a leader we will allow whoever it may be to become a leader.
Clan tag is STDT (Stay together die together)
Platoon feed
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