AFO Vanguard
Tag: [AFOV] Web: Official website Fans: 1 Created: 2012-04-19

Platoon Presentation

[AFO Vanguard serves as the primary AFO for the 2nd Airborne Company. Rank structure within the guard is the same but all NCO's report to the CO's in 2nd Airborne]

Advanced Force Operations; Code-Named: Vanguard

AFO Vanguard is the leading element of an advancing military formation tasked with scouting, identifying, and destroying enemy positions to secure ground for the main forces.

**AFOV is not ran like typical clans/platoons. AFOV is based around teamwork and the ability to cooperate with others while still preforming duties in-game.

K/D and W/L ratios are not a primary factor in considering a recruit. While it does give insight to the recruit's style it doesn't tell much aside from the luck of matchmaking and the survivability of the recruit.

AFOV is a Hardcore only clan, regular players should look elsewhere.

To be apart of AFOV one must meet three prerequisites:

1 - All members must be at least 17 years of age.

Any one under 17 years of age, while also not being able to technically play the game legally, also tend to be disruptive and avoid team-work.

If you wish to challenge that archetype then feel free to apply and be observed by members, CO's, and other recruits to test your abilities.

2 - Mics and Mic Usage is required.

AFOV is based around team-work and communication, if you cannot communicate then you are less likely to work as a team-player.

That being said we all know that shit happens and that mics break, are borrowed, stolen, etc. If you don't have one but plan to get one no worries, we've all been there.

3 - All members must speak fluent English.

We do NOT discriminate against anyone for cultural, national, or ethnic background but all recruits must speak fluent English for the purposes of communication and team-work.

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