Forward Assault Force
Platoon Presentation
Official Recruitment Forum, help us out and bump her every now and then http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/forum/threadview/2832654490151551185/
Clan Commander: booska456
YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/JamieBooska?feature=mhee
Member Requirements:
- 550+ SPM (ScorePerMinute)*
- 1.75+ K/D (Kills/Deaths)*
- Colonel rank (RANK 45+)*
- Wear [FaF] clan tag with pride
- Stick to your assigned ROLE during designated times
- Remain ACTIVE on Blog and BF3. We operate and coordinate through both
- Mic is suggested but not mandatory
*If you don't meet the requirements above, but you're better then stats indicate, you can try out with one of our active leaders, and they'll decide if you're in or not.
- Opportunity to play with devoted BF3 players
- Clan provided server where you are free to play the way you want
- Up to 20 members can have VIP access to clan server along with freedom to suggest a change
- Chance to play competitively with other clans
FaF clan server (TDM+CQ 200%)
Upcoming Matches: ATV Death Race - Date - N/A
Two teams will be racing against each other with the common team goal of eliminating the enemy racers. Along with eliminating opposing enemy racers fellow team mates will still be competing for 1st place to keep things interesting.
*Stay within the designated race area
*Respawning only allowed if your partner/quad is still in the race. If not then go to the starting objective and wait
*Drivers will be Assault running med packs
*Passengers will run Support w/ extended mag LMG's and C4 or Engineers w/ rockets and AT mines
Wins: 3
Lost: 2
Clan Match Results:
- FaF vs. BZAR (Bazar Community) 12vs12 conquest = 3-0 WIN
- FaF vs. AoW (Alliance of Warriors) 12vs12 conquest = 3-0 WIN
- FaF vs. OWO (One World Order) 12vs12 conquest = 0-3 LOSS
- FaF vs. WNA (West Nation Army) 8vs8 conquest = 2-1 WIN
- FaF vs. MiLK 12vs12 conquest = 0-3 LOSS
Clan Commander: booska456
YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/JamieBooska?feature=mhee
Member Requirements:
- 550+ SPM (ScorePerMinute)*
- 1.75+ K/D (Kills/Deaths)*
- Colonel rank (RANK 45+)*
- Wear [FaF] clan tag with pride
- Stick to your assigned ROLE during designated times
- Remain ACTIVE on Blog and BF3. We operate and coordinate through both
- Mic is suggested but not mandatory
*If you don't meet the requirements above, but you're better then stats indicate, you can try out with one of our active leaders, and they'll decide if you're in or not.
- Opportunity to play with devoted BF3 players
- Clan provided server where you are free to play the way you want
- Up to 20 members can have VIP access to clan server along with freedom to suggest a change
- Chance to play competitively with other clans
FaF clan server (TDM+CQ 200%)
Upcoming Matches: ATV Death Race - Date - N/A
Two teams will be racing against each other with the common team goal of eliminating the enemy racers. Along with eliminating opposing enemy racers fellow team mates will still be competing for 1st place to keep things interesting.
*Stay within the designated race area
*Respawning only allowed if your partner/quad is still in the race. If not then go to the starting objective and wait
*Drivers will be Assault running med packs
*Passengers will run Support w/ extended mag LMG's and C4 or Engineers w/ rockets and AT mines
Wins: 3
Lost: 2
Clan Match Results:
- FaF vs. BZAR (Bazar Community) 12vs12 conquest = 3-0 WIN
- FaF vs. AoW (Alliance of Warriors) 12vs12 conquest = 3-0 WIN
- FaF vs. OWO (One World Order) 12vs12 conquest = 0-3 LOSS
- FaF vs. WNA (West Nation Army) 8vs8 conquest = 2-1 WIN
- FaF vs. MiLK 12vs12 conquest = 0-3 LOSS
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