Tag: [GHST] Web: Official website Fans: 15 Created: 2012-04-27

Platoon Presentation

GHOST RECON MARINES will specialize in every asset of war fighting. Whether its infantry assault/medic assault, vehicle assault/engineer assault, heavy machine gun support/demolitions, recon target/sniper kill teams. A GHOST also shall specialize in land or air vehicle combat. Most important a GHOST is a dedicated BF3 plyr and must have the platoon tag on at all times. You must take care of ones responsibilities at home with family and enjoying new games besides bf3. Soldiers must respect each other and those soldiers they go against every game unless a GHOST RECON MARINE feels the need to open a can of woop ass and demonstrate dick into ass movement! We shall do so at the sound of rounds chambered. Ready to unleash a violent storm of war and death! Members will be well rounded players. Smart players that understand tactics and that running around on infantry only maps so they can keep there k.d up. Does nothing for u when u must support your team in other ways on the true battlefield. You must be at least 18yrs and mature. You must be serious about being a complete battlefield player and if u are not serious. You need not apply! We don't need plyers that bitch , wine, and complain or worry about how there k.d is instead of making sure that the team needs to win and supporting their team in whatever way that needs to be done will be. ONE MIND! ANY WEAPON!

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