Platoon the Fuck'n Obj
Platoon Presentation
PTFO is a casual Platoon dedicated to people who aren't complete fuckwits. If you PTFO, can fly a chopper, play as an actual squad, or know how to be recon while still contributing to your team, you belong here. No minimum weekly time required! Wearing the tag is completely optional, however encouraged.
Looking into getting a vent or TS server, however at the moment I'll be using Steamchat for voice comms. PvtWilliamHudson's steam name is ":DANGER ZONE~!" feel free to add me.
See you on the field, soldiers!
Looking into getting a vent or TS server, however at the moment I'll be using Steamchat for voice comms. PvtWilliamHudson's steam name is ":DANGER ZONE~!" feel free to add me.
See you on the field, soldiers!
Platoon feed
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