Platoon Presentation
TEAMSPEAK: teamspeak.fockers-platoon.com:9669
Everyone has to already be in the FOCKERS - ALPHA or FOCKERS - BRAVO Platoon. If you are already in FOCKERS - ALPHA or FOCKERS - BRAVO Platoon, in time we the Leaders of the FOCKERS SECRET SERVICE will move players or send requests to join the SECRET SERVICE based on time spent playing online with 1 or all of the SECRET SERVICE members.
FOCKERS - ALPHA http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/platoon/2832655241246401556/
FOCKERS - BRAVO http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/platoon/2832655391680805363/
If you do not use Teamspeak there would be a slim to NONE chance that you ever make it into the SECRET SERVICE as part of the review process will be attitude & communication skills with others during game play & out game conversation.
We will post a list here & on the forum of potential soon to be Promoted FOCKERS to the FOCKERS SECRET SERVICE.
Always remember that the ZERT & the BOH are our allied Platoons & our alliance gaming Clans. In saying this the FOCKERS server has Admins from both ZERT & BOH watching the game play & attitudes of everyone show respect to everyone as you will be kicked or banned from any of our servers.
Thank you & enjoy the 64 player server
TEAMSPEAK: teamspeak.fockers-platoon.com:9669
Everyone has to already be in the FOCKERS - ALPHA or FOCKERS - BRAVO Platoon. If you are already in FOCKERS - ALPHA or FOCKERS - BRAVO Platoon, in time we the Leaders of the FOCKERS SECRET SERVICE will move players or send requests to join the SECRET SERVICE based on time spent playing online with 1 or all of the SECRET SERVICE members.
FOCKERS - ALPHA http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/platoon/2832655241246401556/
FOCKERS - BRAVO http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/platoon/2832655391680805363/
If you do not use Teamspeak there would be a slim to NONE chance that you ever make it into the SECRET SERVICE as part of the review process will be attitude & communication skills with others during game play & out game conversation.
We will post a list here & on the forum of potential soon to be Promoted FOCKERS to the FOCKERS SECRET SERVICE.
Always remember that the ZERT & the BOH are our allied Platoons & our alliance gaming Clans. In saying this the FOCKERS server has Admins from both ZERT & BOH watching the game play & attitudes of everyone show respect to everyone as you will be kicked or banned from any of our servers.
Thank you & enjoy the 64 player server
Platoon feed
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