Vantage Point Gaming
Tag: [VPG] Web: Official website Fans: 24 Created: 2012-06-08

Platoon Presentation

Ted100 - Founder
PompeyJ - Founder

Vantage Poing Gaming is no hack, mature gaming clan. We believe in participation, communal communication, and democratic resolution. We strive on providing the best gaming environment possible to our members and guests through the use of admins and anti-cheat server modifications. Our mission: provide top notch gaming to all members, and guests alike.

Vantage Point Gaming is now recruiting members and admins, ages 16 and up.

Visit us online:

*** Apologize for the confusion. We reapplied the Platoon list. You must be a member of Vantage Point Gaming to be listed on the platoon. We encourage our friends to like the platoon! ***

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