Australian Navy SEALS
Tag: [ANS] Fans: 15 Created: 2012-06-10

Platoon Presentation

Our allies are [ToG] The Only Greats

Have you got the skills to become an Australian Navy SEAL, if so apply to join and add iiTyphoon or lionelronaldo100 on PSN..dont forget to become a fan

This platoon is all about team work and communication, we use real tactics which are being used by the Australian Navy S.E.A.L's.. If you dont know what SEAL stands for its; SEa Air Land...these are the environments we specialise in. You must be level 25+ as this shows you have some experience. You can get promoted to leader if you show exceptional skill on the battlefield, get 5+ friends interested in joining [ANS] or if you contribute to the platoon (create a clan intro, or any other skill you could bring to us) there will be NONE of the following: Swear at the founder, leaders or members, quiting in the middle of a game. If any of these are done you will be kicked. The more members are recruited, the harder it will be to join the ANS. If you are a member the ANS you are expected to be a loyal member.

When there are more members (25+) the ways to get promoted will change. Instead of doing something to get promoted, a clan vote will be held to promote someone.

#1- Mic is COMPULSORY as communication is the KEY to victory
#2- Follow orders at all time...even if they bring death
#3- Must always use the class you are best at..unless told otherwise by leaders or founders
#4- never fly/drive a vehicle if you know you are going to die or just waste time
#5- Always use clean language when talking to the leaders as a sign of respect. And never 'shit talk' to any of the members as this lowers morale and teamwork.
#6- You must play/move as a team (Drop ammo & med packs., revive teammates, repair vehicles) This shows signs of teamwork and will earn you respect.


Western Aus- 9:00pm in SA= -08:30pm in WA
Nrthrn Territory- same time as SA
Queensland- 9:00pm in SA= 9:30pm in QNSLND
Victoria, NSW and Tasmania (same as QNSLND)

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iiTyphoon- Commanding Leader
ASOSclanleader (lionelronaldo100)- Commanding Leader
xinfected_llama- Leader
uhJake97- Leader
MrMakeme (TheGameKid1)- Member
Dinozauw- Member
Bubba2031- Member
mohalo1- Member
Alex-Gonzo-88 (Mr-_-DYNAMiC)- Member
chickensalt92- Member
Chickensalt98- Member
BF3VetSniper- Member
brogee1- Member
Ivanzer97- Member
MEX1C4N_SPY77- Member
acko007- Member
Double-Tap_BF3- Member
cordij14 (karate114)- Member
XGeoRgeY_69X- Member
ahdbsa (Big_ReD_oNe33)- Member
iang81 (iang82)- Member
GAZER252 (gazell252)- Member
derppity- Member
PancakeNinja101(A_N_D_R_3_W_22)- Member

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