Loricatus Ex
Tag: [LE] Fans: 22 Created: 2012-06-13

Platoon Presentation

Family. Most people have one. Everybody needs one. [LE] has been that family for a long time, and hopefully will be for a long time to come.

Although some of us have differing roles in the game, we are all equals. The only rules we need are those that shouldn't have to be written. Cohesive teamwork is best achieved through organic interactive chemistry.

Honor, humility and sacrifice are the seeds that grow into true brotherhood. Honor all players regardless of rank or perceived skill. Be humble enough to learn and teach equally, even from and to the very newest of players. Sacrifice yourself for your teammates, and they will do the same for you. Good humor is more effective and productive than retributive anger. The happy among us are magnetic, and the arrogant/hostile often reviled.

If you think you fit into this presentation, come and play with us. Play on your schedule, and come and go as you please. Thank you.

*[LE] considers itself a close ally of [HoF]. Our allegiance to them is unwavering as is our respect. Thank you brothers for fighting alongside us. We will always honor this alliance, even unto sacrifice.

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