Hunters Of Gunmen
Platoon Presentation
1. Announcements
2. Intro
3. Overview
4. Application Requirements
5. In-Game Requirements
6. Network
7. FAQ
8. Squads & Duties
Established June 14th, 2012. FAN US!
"Spot your enemies"
-HOG motto
The Hunters Of Gunmen, or "HOG" for short, are an elite sniper platoon comprised of dedicated FPS enthusiasts with countless hours invested into BATTLEFIELD 3. We operate in two-man sniping teams along with assault and support players for added survivability and efficiency. Our player hub consists of decorated, high-level veterans; some spanning on from other BATTLEFIELD titles, such as BATTLEFIELD: BAD COMPANY 2. In order to ensure battlefield dominance we value a sharp eye and a steady trigger finger above all other qualities.
We're a pretty laid-back group of guys. We enjoy having fun with the game because, when it comes down to it, it's just a game. We do, however, have a few general requirements for joining.
1. Location: North America
2. Multiple Platoons: Please don't be a platoonwhore. Commit yourself to one platoon and stick with it.
3. Minimum Age: 17+
4. Voice Communication: YES. YES. YES. If you don't have a headset or any verbal communication device, then, by all means, don't join.
Most of our members are usually invited to join after we have observed them in-game. If you think you're HOG-worthy, hit us up. We'll invite you to a game and decide if you would be a valuable asset to the team.
To ensure the quality of the platoon members, our platoon has a set of in-game requirements. All HOG must make an effort to meet these.
1. Minimum K/D Ratio: 1.0 (You're doing it wrong if you're below that...)
2. Minimum Rank: Colonel
3. Minimum SPM: 300
4. Minimum Hours Per Week: Whatever you can afford. Your private life comes first, the platoon second.
5. Vehicle Specialty: Map-specific, although we're mainly a ground force.
6. Use of Camouflage: Map-specific. Match your fatigues to the environment.
7. Use of Dog Tags: Player choice.
8. Use of Specializations: Depends on your squad role (refer to the SQUAD & DUTIES section).
9. Use of Clan Tags: Must have "HOG" set as clan tag.
We ask that all members make an effort to add each other via PSN and Battlelog. This makes it easier for platoon members to get together for casual games or platoon events likewise. To see a full list of platoon members, click the "Members" tab located to the left under the platoon logo.
Hardcore versus Casual gaming?
How do squads operate in the platoon?
Refer to the SQUADS & DUTIES section.
Is there a hosted server?
We are currently raising funds for a HOG-hosted server. Contact SoRogue via PM regarding donations or via PSN (PSN ID: GearRetribution)
Does this team participate in scrimmages?
What is the power structure like, who is responsible for giving orders, taking orders?
Each squad will have a designated platoon leader. They are responsible for battlefield coordination.
How many members does your group have?
We are constantly expanding our member base.
What is this platoon looking for in its members?
Solid judgment and a good eye.
Is there a minimum activity level or skill level?
Activity depends on your time allowance, meaning your private life comes first and the platoon second. Skill level should be at least 300. Your skill level can be found in your "Stats" section.
Am I allowed to join other platoons as well?
Can I leave and rejoin?
Depending on the circumstance and situation at hand we may consider it.
Listed here are the various squads within the platoon and their designated role. Each squad consists of a two-man sniping team, a close to mid-range support player and an assault player.
-Squad One-
Sniper: akex907
Spotter: SoRogue
-Squad Two-
-Squad Three-
Here are the duties of each role:
SNIPER: The sniper will utilize a long-range, bolt-action rifle such as the L96 to effectively eliminate enemy infantry. He may also be required to place an unattended stationary SOFLAM for vehicle designation; this will be placed away from the firing spot to avoid enemy spotters from finding you.
Loadout: Bolt-action sniper rifle equipped with a bipod, 8x or 12x scope, and choice of flash suppressor or suppressor, choice of handgun, TUGs or SOFLAM, and the Squad Suppression Specialization.
SPOTTER: The spotter will utilize a semi-automatic, mid-range sniper rifle such as the SKS. They will provide the sniper with target callouts (spots), MAV reconnaissance and extra firepower when needed. The spotter must be able to correctly identify distance and location for the sniper.
Loadout: Semi-automatic sniper rifle, choice of handgun, MAV, Radio Beacon, and the Squad Cover Specialization.
SUPPORT: The support player will be tasked with supplying ammo to his squad as well as security, meaning mid to close-range support. He may also be required to eliminate any impending vehicular threat to his squad using C4.
Loadout: Weapon of choice equipped with a flash suppressor or suppressor, choice of handgun, C4 or Mortar, and the Squad Ammo Specialization.
ASSAULT: The assault player will be the medic of the squad. He will ensure the survival of his squad mates along with his own. This includes reviving fallen teammates, deploying med packs, and providing mid to close-range support.
Loadout: Weapon of choice equipped with a flash suppressor or suppressor, choice of handgun, Defibrillator, Med Pack, and the Squad Sprint Specialization.
1. Announcements
2. Intro
3. Overview
4. Application Requirements
5. In-Game Requirements
6. Network
7. FAQ
8. Squads & Duties
Established June 14th, 2012. FAN US!
"Spot your enemies"
-HOG motto
The Hunters Of Gunmen, or "HOG" for short, are an elite sniper platoon comprised of dedicated FPS enthusiasts with countless hours invested into BATTLEFIELD 3. We operate in two-man sniping teams along with assault and support players for added survivability and efficiency. Our player hub consists of decorated, high-level veterans; some spanning on from other BATTLEFIELD titles, such as BATTLEFIELD: BAD COMPANY 2. In order to ensure battlefield dominance we value a sharp eye and a steady trigger finger above all other qualities.
We're a pretty laid-back group of guys. We enjoy having fun with the game because, when it comes down to it, it's just a game. We do, however, have a few general requirements for joining.
1. Location: North America
2. Multiple Platoons: Please don't be a platoonwhore. Commit yourself to one platoon and stick with it.
3. Minimum Age: 17+
4. Voice Communication: YES. YES. YES. If you don't have a headset or any verbal communication device, then, by all means, don't join.
Most of our members are usually invited to join after we have observed them in-game. If you think you're HOG-worthy, hit us up. We'll invite you to a game and decide if you would be a valuable asset to the team.
To ensure the quality of the platoon members, our platoon has a set of in-game requirements. All HOG must make an effort to meet these.
1. Minimum K/D Ratio: 1.0 (You're doing it wrong if you're below that...)
2. Minimum Rank: Colonel
3. Minimum SPM: 300
4. Minimum Hours Per Week: Whatever you can afford. Your private life comes first, the platoon second.
5. Vehicle Specialty: Map-specific, although we're mainly a ground force.
6. Use of Camouflage: Map-specific. Match your fatigues to the environment.
7. Use of Dog Tags: Player choice.
8. Use of Specializations: Depends on your squad role (refer to the SQUAD & DUTIES section).
9. Use of Clan Tags: Must have "HOG" set as clan tag.
We ask that all members make an effort to add each other via PSN and Battlelog. This makes it easier for platoon members to get together for casual games or platoon events likewise. To see a full list of platoon members, click the "Members" tab located to the left under the platoon logo.
Hardcore versus Casual gaming?
How do squads operate in the platoon?
Refer to the SQUADS & DUTIES section.
Is there a hosted server?
We are currently raising funds for a HOG-hosted server. Contact SoRogue via PM regarding donations or via PSN (PSN ID: GearRetribution)
Does this team participate in scrimmages?
What is the power structure like, who is responsible for giving orders, taking orders?
Each squad will have a designated platoon leader. They are responsible for battlefield coordination.
How many members does your group have?
We are constantly expanding our member base.
What is this platoon looking for in its members?
Solid judgment and a good eye.
Is there a minimum activity level or skill level?
Activity depends on your time allowance, meaning your private life comes first and the platoon second. Skill level should be at least 300. Your skill level can be found in your "Stats" section.
Am I allowed to join other platoons as well?
Can I leave and rejoin?
Depending on the circumstance and situation at hand we may consider it.
Listed here are the various squads within the platoon and their designated role. Each squad consists of a two-man sniping team, a close to mid-range support player and an assault player.
-Squad One-
Sniper: akex907
Spotter: SoRogue
-Squad Two-
-Squad Three-
Here are the duties of each role:
SNIPER: The sniper will utilize a long-range, bolt-action rifle such as the L96 to effectively eliminate enemy infantry. He may also be required to place an unattended stationary SOFLAM for vehicle designation; this will be placed away from the firing spot to avoid enemy spotters from finding you.
Loadout: Bolt-action sniper rifle equipped with a bipod, 8x or 12x scope, and choice of flash suppressor or suppressor, choice of handgun, TUGs or SOFLAM, and the Squad Suppression Specialization.
SPOTTER: The spotter will utilize a semi-automatic, mid-range sniper rifle such as the SKS. They will provide the sniper with target callouts (spots), MAV reconnaissance and extra firepower when needed. The spotter must be able to correctly identify distance and location for the sniper.
Loadout: Semi-automatic sniper rifle, choice of handgun, MAV, Radio Beacon, and the Squad Cover Specialization.
SUPPORT: The support player will be tasked with supplying ammo to his squad as well as security, meaning mid to close-range support. He may also be required to eliminate any impending vehicular threat to his squad using C4.
Loadout: Weapon of choice equipped with a flash suppressor or suppressor, choice of handgun, C4 or Mortar, and the Squad Ammo Specialization.
ASSAULT: The assault player will be the medic of the squad. He will ensure the survival of his squad mates along with his own. This includes reviving fallen teammates, deploying med packs, and providing mid to close-range support.
Loadout: Weapon of choice equipped with a flash suppressor or suppressor, choice of handgun, Defibrillator, Med Pack, and the Squad Sprint Specialization.
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