Team Xenon
Tag: [Znon] Fans: 4 Created: 2012-06-16

Platoon Presentation

Clan was started on June 19th 2012 So we are new don't underestimate us we are new and fresh and not afraid to take a challenge. Were still learning to play together so we may hit a bump or to on the road. We hope put are name in BF history as the clan that did it all and didn't stand down so join us and help us on the path to glory!!!

Requirements For Clan
~11-29 year olds accepted
~Mic Required (Kinect Doesn't Count)
~Have to be able to speak English
~Have To be able to know your time compared to EST
~Perfure You live in North America Or Europe
~Dont be afraid to take a challenge
~Be worthy and nice to other members


Other Members Without BattleLog--


Friendly Clans

Kits Of Choice
Xe Platinum: Engineer
Napalm172: Support
xFigilantex: Assualt
Xe Plasma: Assualt
Spartan077: Support

Going to update soon!!!!

~Alpha Squad~
-Xe Platinum

Bravo Squad
-Ghost Tracuer
-Skillz Demon

^The above are gamertags not Origin usernames^

We are all trained as if we were a bunch of Seals by
our selfs and nothing but a knife to kill your army so Im warning you we will

Max Ammount Of Players In Clan Is 18 Right now we have 14

Platoon feed

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