5th LAR Bn.
Tag: [5LAR] Web: Official website Fans: 5 Created: 2012-06-21

Platoon Presentation

5th Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion.

Xbox 360 Battlefield 3 unit.

Mission Statement

The mission of the 5th Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion is to locate, close with and destroy the enemy by fire, maneuver and combined arms; or repel the enemy's assault by fire, close combat and mutual support in order to ACHIEVE THE OBJECTIVE.

If interested, message the founder.

The founders’ gamertag is Matty Goodfella.

We utilize real-world tactics to defeat the enemy.

Our tag is 5LAR.

Communication is required (set to TEAM).

Do not double up squad specializations.

Mutual support and mutually supporting equipment is a must.

We play any and all game modes.


Semper Fidelis.

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