Tactical Medic
Tag: [=TM=] Web: Official website Fans: 1 Created: 2012-06-25

Platoon Presentation

We are a group of mature gamers who enjoy all aspects of Battlefield3. Always looking for skilled players to join us.


1.) must be 18+

2.) focus on teamwork and winning

3.) microphone/headset +Ventrilo 3.0.8

4.) competitive yet respectful (mature)


Ventrilo Server: tmventrilo.no-ip.info port 3784

Note: Voice comms is for teamwork and bf3 practice, no excessive racism or childish behavior.


Server: =TM= 24/7 Air Maps | 800 Tix | Fast Vspawn | 1Pstart | 32slot

Server Rules:

1.) No Base Rape

2.) No vehicle Stealing

3.) No Jet Ramming

Server Plugins (procon):

1.) Adaptive Server Size (slots grow to suit players, also taking advantage of joiners to populate the server quickly)

2.) Adaptive Ticket Count (adjust ticket count for those longer High Ticket rounds)

3.) Rules on request (clients can type '!rules' to view the server rules)

4.) TrueBalancer (will autobalance teams as well as scramble teams if they become too stacked)

5.) VoteKick/Ban (clients can use 'votekick [playrname] to remove a problem player)

6.) Ventrilo and game server clients into appropriate channels for VOIP the way it should be)

7)Kill Rate Checker: To watch cheaters getting a high to death to kill rate.


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